Isabella Maria Wilkie

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Department of Molecular Ecology

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-9700

Isabella Maria Wilkie

About me

I am a third-year PhD student specialising in the study of the Verrucomicrobiota phylum. My research employs computational approaches to explore their genetic potential and understand their ecological niches. Broadly speaking, I investigate the temporal and spatial dynamics of these microorganisms. My PhD has included sampling expeditions, such as collecting surface water in Helgoland and gathering coastal water samples around South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean.

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Field work

August 2022Helgoland, North Sea

Assisted in the POMPU year-round-sampling. Sampling surface water for ge­n­omic, proteomic, and mi­cro­scopic ana­lyses.

December 2022: Punta Arenas > South Georgia > Cape Town

Sampling on the PS133/2 to collect surface sediment and water samples for genomic and microscopic analyses.

Conferences and workshops

June 2024: Marine microbes GRS and GRC, Les Diablerets (CH)

Presenting a poster with the title "Decoding genetic variation in Verrucomicrobiota populations over 10 years of spring blooms"

May 2024: It MA(t)TER(s), Bremen (DE)

Gave a presentation entitled "Decoding genetic variation in Verrucomicrobiota populations over ten years of spring blooms".

July 2023: Applied and environmental microbiology GRC, South Hadley (US)

Presented a poster and flash talk titled "Tracking speciation and intra-population diversity within Verrucomicrobiota populations in the Helgoland time series".

October - November 2022: EBAME 7, Brest (FR)

Attended a two week workshop on approaches in microbial ecogenomics. Gave a flashtalk.

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