
Ka­ren Wiltshire: The North Sea in the fast lane of Cli­ma­te Chan­ge: a sum­ma­ry of the sci­ence ba­sed on the Long Term Data of Hel­go­land and Sylt

Join our in­vi­ta­tio­nal se­mi­nar!

Thurs­day, Fe­bru­ary 2, 2023
in the MPI lec­tu­re hall 4012 at 3:00 p.m. (15:00 Uhr) (Don´t forget to bring a mask!!!)

Karen Wiltshire (Al­fred We­ge­ner In­sti­tu­te, Helm­holtz Cen­ter for Po­lar and Ma­ri­ne Re­se­arch, Host: Ru­dolf Amann) 

will give a se­mi­nar with the tit­le:

"The North Sea in the fast lane of Climate Change: a summary of the science based on the Long Term Data of Helgoland and Sylt"

 You are wel­co­me to join.


The North Sea in the fast lane of Climate Change: a summary of the science based on the Long Term Data of Helgoland and Sylt

Glo­bal war­ming of co­as­tal and shelf seas is fact. Long-term tem­pe­ra­tu­re and cli­ma­te time se­ries, as well as mo­dels, pro­vi­de the evi­dence. The pres­su­re is on to pro­vi­de con­cur­rent data-dri­ven know­ledge of eco­sys­tem re­ac­tions and sta­bi­li­ty. It is im­pe­ra­ti­ve to trans­la­te this war­ming into evin­ced and gras­pa­ble eco­sys­tem ef­fects and con­se­quen­ces; other­wi­se, ma­nage­ment stra­te­gies and sce­na­rio dis­cus­sions are dif­fi­cult/​im­pos­si­ble to rea­li­se.

Here we will pre­sent our fin­dings ba­sed on the Long Term Data of Hel­go­land and Sylt and show that Eco­sys­tems and or­ga­nisms re­act to shifts in en­vi­ron­ments on dif­fe­rent time sca­les. The po­ten­ti­al de­ath, fit­ness, resi­li­ence and ad­ap­ta­ti­on of spe­cies is de­pen­dent on the in­ten­si­ty, du­ra­ti­on and fre­quen­cies of en­vi­ron­men­tal shifts/ events. Fre­quent­ly the ex­act chan­ges in en­vi­ron­men­tal dri­vers are sta­tis­ti­cal­ly dif­fi­cult to grasp in time and spa­ti­al sca­les. Thus, the un­der­stan­ding of and foun­da­ti­on for long-term ma­nage­ment of eco­sys­tem and bio­di­ver­si­ty shifts in terms of tem­pe­ra­tu­re can be sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly de­vi­ant and so­me­ti­mes te­nuous.

We ana­ly­sed the tem­pe­ra­tu­re data from de­tai­led long-term ma­ri­ne eco­lo­gi­cal time se­ries Hel­go­land Roads, Sylt Roads and the North Sea with glo­bal, con­ti­nen­tal, re­gio­nal and lo­cal tem­pe­ra­tu­re time se­ries. Long-term trends, war­ming and coo­ling events, sea­so­nal shifts are iden­ti­fied, and ano­ma­li­es and fre­quen­cy dis­tri­bu­ti­ons of tem­pe­ra­tu­re over time eva­lua­ted. Plank­ton, life cy­cle, and food web in­ter­ac­tion in­for­ma­ti­on are pla­ced in the eco­lo­gi­cal con­text of time and spa­ti­al sca­le.

We dis­cuss a hier­ar­chy of ne­cessa­ry ana­ly­ses in or­der to be able to re­la­te ma­ri­ne eco­sys­tem chan­ge to tem­pe­ra­tu­re in terms of re­le­vant time and spa­ti­al sca­les.

To join the se­mi­nar on­line, plea­se use the fol­lo­wing link:

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