
Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen 2017

Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen 2017

De­part­ment of Bio­geo­che­mis­try

Bristow LA, Callbeck CM, Larsen M, Altabet MA, Dekaezemacker J, Forth M, Glud RN, Kuypers MMM, Lavik G, Mangesh G, Milucka J, Naqvi SWA, Pratihary A, Revsbech NP, Thamdrup B, Treusch A and Canfield DE.: N2 pro­duc­tion ra­tes li­mi­ted by ni­tri­te avail­a­bi­li­ty in the Bay of Ben­gal Oxy­gen Mi­ni­mum Zone. In press at Na­tu­re Geo­sci­ence 10, 24- 29 doi: 10.1038/​ngeo2847. (2017) PuRe
Padilla C.C., Bertagnolli A., Bristow L.A., Sarode N., Glass J., Thamdrup B., Stewart F.: Me­ta­ge­no­mic bin­ning re­co­vers a tran­scrip­tio­nal­ly ac­tive Gam­ma­pro­te­ob­ac­te­ri­um lin­king me­tha­notro­phy to par­ti­al de­ni­tri­fi­ca­ti­on in an an­oxic oxy­gen mi­ni­mum zone. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:23. doi:10.3389/​fmars.2017.00023. (2017)
Callbeck C.M., Lavik G., Stramma L, Kuypers M.M., Bristow L.A.: En­han­ced ni­tro­gen loss by eddy-in­du­ced ver­ti­cal trans­port in the off­shore Pe­ru­vi­an oxy­gen mi­ni­mum zone. PLoS ONE 12, e0170059. (2017)
Meyer, J., Löscher, C.R., Lavik, G., Riebesell, U.: Me­cha­nisms of P* Re­duc­tion in the Eas­tern Tro­pi­cal South Pa­ci­fic. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence 4, 1. (2017)
Probandt, D., Knittel, K., Tegetmeyer, H. E., Ahmerkamp, S., Holtappels, M., & Amann, R.: Per­me­a­bi­li­ty shapes bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in sub­lit­to­ral sur­face se­di­ments. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy. doi: 10.1111/​1462-2920.13676. (2017)
Beck, M., A. Reckhardt, J. Amelsberg, A. Bartholomä, H.-J. Brumsack, H. Cypionka, T. Dittmar, B. Engelen, J. Greskowiak, H. Hillebrand, M. Holtappels, R. Neuholz, J. Köster, M. M. M. Kuypers, G. Massmann, D. Meier, J. Niggemann, R. Paffrath, K. Pahnke, S. Rovo, M. Striebel, V. Vandieken, A. Wehrmann, O. Zielinski: The dri­vers of bio­geo­che­mis­try in beach eco­sys­tems: A cross-shore tran­sect from the du­nes to the low wa­ter line. Ma­ri­ne Che­mis­try 190, 35-50. (2017)
Eichner, M., I. Klawonn, S. Wilson, S. Littmann, M. Whitehouse, M. J. Church, M. Kuypers, D. Karl, and H. Ploug: Che­mi­cal mi­cro­en­vi­ron­ments and sin­gle-cell car­bon and ni­tro­gen uptake in field-collec­ted co­lo­nies of Tri­cho­des­mi­um un­der dif­fe­rent pCO2. The ISME Jour­nal 16-01122O­AR. (2017)
Kasina, M., S. Bock, H. Wuerdemann, D. Pudlo, A. Picard, A. Lichtschlag, C. Maerz, L. Wagenknecht, L. M. Wehrmann, C. Vogt, P. Meister: Mi­ne­ra­lo­gi­cal and geo­che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis of Fe-pha­ses in drill-co­res from the Tri­as­sic Stutt­gart For­ma­ti­on at Ket­zin CO2 stro­age site be­fo­re CO2 ar­ri­val. En­vi­ron­men­tal Earth Sci­ence, 76: 161, DOI10.1007/​s12665-017-6460-9. (2017)
Hamann, E., H. E. Tegetmeyer, D. Riedel, S. Littmann, S. Ahmerkamp, J. Chen, P. E. Hach and M. Strous: Syn­tro­phic linka­ge bet­ween pre­da­to­ry Car­pe­die­mo­nas and spe­ci­fic pro­ka­ryo­tic po­pu­la­ti­ons. The ISME Jour­nal. doi: 10.1038/​is­mej.2016.197 (2017)
Ahmerkamp, S., C. Winter, K. Krämer, D. de Beer, F. Janssen, J. Friedrich, M. M. M Kuypers, and M. Holtappels: Re­gu­la­ti­on of bent­hic oxy­gen flu­xes in per­me­able se­di­ments of the co­as­tal oce­an. Lim­no­lo­gy and Ocea­no­gra­phy doi: 10.1002/​lno.10544. (2017)
Sokoll S., Ferdelman T.G., Holtappels M., Goldhammer T., Littmann S., Iversen M.H., and Kuypers M.M.M.: In­ten­se bio­lo­gi­cal phos­pha­te uptake onto par­ti­cles in sub-eu­pho­tic con­ti­nen­tal mar­gin wa­ters. Geo­phy­si­cal Re­se­arch Let­ters, 44, DOI:10.1002/​2016GL072183. (2017)
Marchant, H. K., S. Ahmerkamp, G. Lavik, H. Tegetmeyer, J. Graf, J. M. Klatt, M. Holtappels, E. Walpersdorf, M. M.M. Kuypers: De­ni­tri­fy­ing com­mu­ni­ty in co­as­tal se­di­ments per­forms ae­ro­bic and an­ae­ro­bic re­spi­ra­ti­on si­mul­ta­neous­ly. IS­MEJ, (2017)
Balci N., Brunner B. and Turchyn A. V.: Te­tra­thio­na­te and Ele­men­tal Sul­fur Shape the Iso­to­pe Com­po­si­ti­on of Sul­fa­te in Acid Mine Drai­na­ge. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 8. (2017)

HGF-MPG joi­ned re­se­arch Group

Ahmerkamp S., Winter C., Krämer K., de Beer D., Janssen F., Friedrich J., Kuypers M. M. M., Holtappels M.: Re­gu­la­ti­on of bent­hic oxy­gen flu­xes in per­me­able se­di­ments of the co­as­tal oce­an. Lim­no­lo­gy and Ocea­no­gra­phy, 62:1935-1954. doi: 10.1002/​lno.10544 (2017) ASLO
Avcı B., Hahnke R., Chafee M., Fischer T., Gruber-Vodicka H., Tegetmeyer H.E., Harder J., Fuchs B.M., Amann R.I., Teeling H.: Ge­no­mic and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal ana­ly­ses of Rei­nekea for­se­tii re­veal a ver­sa­ti­le op­por­tu­nis­tic life­style du­ring spring al­gae blooms. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 19(3),1209-1221. doi:1111/​1462-2920.13646. (2017) PubMed
Chafee M., Fernàndez-Guerra A., Buttigieg P.L., Gerdts G., A. Eren M., Teeling H., Amann R.I.: Re­cur­rent pat­terns of mi­cro­di­ver­si­ty in a tem­pe­ra­te co­as­tal ma­ri­ne en­vi­ron­ment. ISME Jour­nal 12, 237-252. doi:10.1038/​is­mej.2017.165. ISME
Chen J., Hanke A., Tegetmeyer H.E., Kattelmann I., Sharma R., Hamann E., Hargesheimer T., Kraft B., Lenk S., Geelhoed J.S., Hettich R.L., Strous M.: Im­pacts of che­mi­cal gra­di­ents on mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty struc­tu­re. ISME Jour­nal 11, 920-931 doi:10.1038/​is­mej.2016.175. (2017) ISME
Donis D., Janssen F., Liu B., Wenzhöfer F., Dellwig O., Escher P., Spitzy A., Böttcher M.E.: Bio­geo­che­mi­cal im­pact of sub­ma­ri­ne ground wa­ter di­sch­ar­ge on co­as­tal sur­face sands of the sou­thern Bal­tic Sea. Es­tua­ri­ne, Co­as­tal and Shelf Sci­ence 189: 131-142. doi: https://​​10.1016/​j.ecss.2017.03.003 (2017) ScienceDirect
Guilini K., Weber M., de Beer D., Schneider M., Molari M., Lott C., Bodnar W., Mascart T.,De Troch M., Vanreusel A.: Re­s­pon­se of Po­si­do­nia ocea­ni­ca se­agrass and its epi­bi­ont com­mu­nities to oce­an aci­di­fi­ca­ti­on. PLoS One 12(8): e0181531. doi: 10.1371/​jour­nal.pone.0181531 (2017) PubMed
Hamann E., Tegetmeyer H.E., Riedel D., Littmann S., Ahmerkamp S., Chen J., Hach P., Strous M.: Syn­tro­phic linka­ges bet­ween pre­da­to­ry Car­pe­die­mo­nas and spe­ci­fic pro­ka­ryo­tic po­pu­la­ti­ons. ISME Jour­nal 11, 1205-1217. doi:10.1038/​is­mej.2016.197. (2017) PubMed
Hassenrück C., Tegetmeyer H., Ramette A., Fabricius K.: Mi­nor im­pacts of re­du­ced pH on bac­te­ri­al bio­films on set­t­le­ment ti­les along na­tu­ral pH gra­di­ents at two CO2 seeps in Pa­pua New Gui­nea. ICES Jour­nal of Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence 74 (4): 978-987. doi:10.1093/​ices­jms/​fsw204. (2017) ICES
Hoffman K., Hassenrück C., Salman-Carvalho V., Holtappels M., Bienhold C.: Re­s­pon­se of bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities to dif­fe­rent de­t­ri­tus com­po­si­ti­ons in Ar­tic deep-sea se­di­ments. Fron­tiers in Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 8:266. doi:103389/​fmi­cb.2017.0026 (2017) PubMed
Jessen G. L., Lichtschlag A., Ramette A., Pantoja S., Rossel P.E., Schubert C.J., Struck U., Boetius A.: Hy­po­xia cau­ses pre­ser­va­ti­on of la­bi­le or­ga­nic mat­ter and chan­ges mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty com­po­si­ti­on (Black Sea shelf). Sci­ence Ad­van­ces 3 (2): e1601897. doi:10.1126/​sci­adv.1601897 (2017) AAAS
Jousset A., Bienhold C., Chatzinotas A., Gallien L., Gobet A., Kurm V., Küsel K., Rillig M.C., Rivett D.W., Salles J.F., van der Heijden M.G.A., Youssef N.H., Zhang X.W., Wei Z., Hol W.H.G.: Whe­re less may be more: How the rare bio­s­phe­re pulls eco­sys­tems strings. The ISME Jour­nal 11, 853-862. doi:10.1038/​is­mej.2016.174. (2017) PubMed
Kegler P., Kegler H.F., Gärdes A., Ferse S.C.A., Lukman M., Alfiansah Y.R., Hassenrück C., Kunzmann A.: Bac­te­ri­al Bio­film Com­mu­nities and Co­ral Lar­vae Set­t­le­ment at Dif­fe­rent Le­vels of An­thro­po­ge­nic Im­pact in the Sper­mon­de Ar­chi­pel­ago, In­do­ne­sia. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence 4, 270. https://​​10.3389/​fmars.2017.00270 (2017) Frontiers
Kegler H.F., Lukman M., Teichberg M., Plass-Johnson J., Hassenrück C., Wild C., Gärdes A.: Bac­te­ri­al Com­mu­ni­ty Com­po­si­ti­on and Po­ten­ti­al Dri­ving Fac­tors in Dif­fe­rent Reef Ha­bi­tats of the Sper­mon­de Ar­chi­pel­ago, In­do­ne­sia. Fron­tiers in Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 8, 662. https://​​10.3389/​fmi­cb.2017.00662 (2017) PubMed
Koop-Jakobsen K., Fischer J., Wenzhöfer F.: Sur­vey of se­di­ment oxy­ge­na­ti­on in rhi­zo­s­phe­res of the salt­mar­sh grass - Spar­ti­na an­gli­ca. Sci­ence of the To­tal En­vi­ron­ment 589, 191-199. doi:10.1016/​j.sci­to­tenv.2017.02.147. (2017) ScienceDirect
Marchant H.K., Ahmerkamp S., Lavik G., Tegetmeyer H.E., Graf J., Klatt J.M., Holtappels M., Walpersdorf E., Kuypers M.M.M.: De­ni­tri­fy­ing com­mu­ni­ty in co­as­tal se­di­ments per­forms ae­ro­bic and an­ae­ro­bic re­spi­ra­ti­on si­mul­ta­neous­ly. The ISME Jour­nal 11, 1799-1812. doi:10.1038/​is­mej.2017.51 (2017) PubMed
Pop Ristova P., Bienhold C., Wenzhöfer F., Rossel P.E., Boetius A.: Tem­po­ral and spa­ti­al va­ria­ti­ons of bac­te­ri­al and fau­nal com­mu­nities as­so­cia­ted with deep-sea wood falls. PloS ONE 12 (1): e0169906. doi:10.1371/​jour­nal.pone.0169906 (2017) PubMed
Probandt D., Knittel K., Tegetmeyer H.E., Ahmerkamp S., Holtappels M., Amann R.: Per­me­a­bi­li­ty shapes bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in sub­lit­to­ral sur­face se­di­ments. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 19: 1584–1599. doi:10.1111/​1462-2920.13676 (2017) PubMed
Rossel, P. E., Stubbins, A., Rebling, T., Koschinsky, A., Hawkes, J.A., Dittmar, T.: Ther­mal­ly al­te­red ma­ri­ne dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in hydro­ther­mal fluids. Or­ga­nic geo­che­mis­try 110:73-86​10.1016/​­geo­chem.2017.05.003 (2017) ScienceDirect
Saad S., Bhatnagar S., Tegetmeyer H.E., Geelhoed J.S., Strous M., Ruff S.E.: Tran­si­ent ex­po­sure to oxy­gen or ni­tra­te re­veals eco­phy­sio­lo­gy of fer­men­ta­ti­ve and sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bent­hic mi­cro­bi­al po­pu­la­ti­ons. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 19, 4866-4881. doi:10.1111/​1462-2920.13895 (2017) PubMed
Schramke H., Laermann V., Tegetmeyer H.E., Brachman A., Jung K., Altendorf K.W.: Re­vi­sit­ing re­gu­la­ti­on of po­tas­si­um ho­me­o­stasis in Esche­ri­chia coli: the con­nec­tion to phos­pha­te li­mi­ta­ti­on. Mi­cro­bio­lo­gyO­pen 6:e438. doi:10.1002/​mbo3.438. (2017) PubMed
Wilbanks E.G., Salman-Carvalho V., Jaekel U., Humphrey P.T., Eisen J.A., Buckeley D.H., Zinder S.H.: The green ber­ry con­sor­tia of the Sip­pe­wis­sett salt mar­sh: mil­li­me­ter-si­zed ag­gre­ga­tes of diaz­o­tro­phic unicel­lu­lar cya­no­bac­te­ria. Fron­tiers in Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 8:1623 doi:10.3389/​fmi­cb.2017.01623. (2017) PubMed
Diploma theses / Master theses
Hahn, C.J.: Eco­lo­gy and ge­no­mics of ar­chaea in­vol­ved in hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­da­ti­on. Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men/​Max-Planck In­sti­tu­te for Ma­ri­ne Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny (2017)
Schorn S.: Life style and cell ar­chi­tec­tu­re of Ach­ro­ma­ti­um. Carl von Os­sietz­ky Uni­ver­si­ty of Ol­den­burg/​Max Planck In­sti­tu­te for Ma­ri­ne Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny (2017)
Ph.D. theses
Hoffman K.: PhD the­sis. Iden­ti­ty and func­tion of key bac­te­ri­al groups in arc­tic deep-sea sur­face se­di­ments. Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men/​Al­fred We­ge­ner In­sti­tu­te for po­lar and ma­ri­ne re­se­arch. (2017)
Book chapter
Bienhold C. and Boetius A.: Mi­kro­or­ga­nis­men des Tief­see­bo­dens: Viel­falt, Ver­tei­lung und Funk­ti­on. In: Hem­pel G., Bi­schof K., Ha­gen W., edi­tors. Fas­zi­na­ti­on Mee­res­for­schung. Ein öko­lo­gi­sches Le­se­buch. Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger Ber­lin Hei­del­berg. Pp. 211-222. (2017)
Knittel K., Wegener G., Boetius A.: An­ae­ro­bic Me­tha­ne Oxi­di­zers. Hand­book of Hy­dro­c­ar­bon and Li­pid Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy. Sprin­ger-Ver­lag Ber­lin Hei­del­berg.

ICBM-MPI Brü­cken­grup­pe für Ma­ri­ne Geo­che­mie

Bao H.Y., Niggemann J., Luo L., Dittmar T. and Kao S.J.: Ae­ro­sols as a sour­ce of dis­sol­ved black car­bon to the oce­an. Na­tu­re Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons 8, 510, 1-7. (2017) nature
Beck M., Reckhardt A., Amelsberg J., Bartholomä A., Brumsack H.J., Cypionka H., Dittmar T., Engelen B., Greskowiak J., Hillebrand H., Holtappels M., Neuholz R., Köster J., Kuypers M.M.M., Massmann G., Meier D., Niggemann J., Paffrath R., Pahnke K., Rovo S., Striebel M., Vandieken V., Wehrmann A., Zielinski O.: The dri­vers of bio­geo­che­mis­try in beach eco­sys­tems: A cross-shore tran­sect from the du­nes to the low-wa­ter line. Ma­ri­ne Che­mis­try 190, 35-50. (2017) ScienceDirect
Dittmar T. and Arnosti C.: An ins­e­pa­ra­ble li­ai­son: ma­ri­ne mi­cro­bes and non­living or­ga­nic mat­ter. In: Ga­sol J and Kirch­man D (eds) Mi­cro­bi­al Eco­lo­gy of the Oce­an. 3rd edi­ti­on. Wi­ley. (2017) Wiley
Gomez-Saez G.V., Pohlabeln A., Stubbins A., Marsay C.M. and Dittmar T.: Pho­to­che­mi­cal al­te­ra­ti­on of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic sul­fur from sul­fi­dic po­re­wa­ter. En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy 51, 14144–14154. (2017) ACS
Hutchins R.H.S., Aukes P., Schiff S.L., Dittmar T., Prairie Y.T. and del Giorgio P.A.: The op­ti­cal, che­mi­cal, and mole­cu­lar dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter suc­ces­si­on along a bo­re­al soil-stream-ri­ver con­ti­nu­um. Jour­nal of Geo­phy­si­cal Re­se­arch: Bio­geo­sci­en­ces 122, 2892-2908. (2017)  JGR
Jones M.W., Quine T.A., de Rezende C.E., Dittmar T., Johnson B., Manecki M., Marques J.S.J. and de Aragão L.E.O.C.: Do re­gio­nal ae­ro­sols cont­ri­bu­te to the ri­veri­ne ex­port of dis­sol­ved black car­bon? Jour­nal of Geo­phy­si­cal Re­se­arch: Bio­geo­sci­en­ces 122, 2925-2938. (2017) Wiley
Lechleitner F.A., Dittmar T., Baldini J.U.L., Prufer K.M. and Eglinton T.I.: Mole­cu­lar si­gna­tu­res of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in a tro­pi­cal karst sys­tem. Or­ga­nic Geo­che­mis­try 113, 141-149. (2017) ScienceDirect
Lesaulnier C.C., Herbold C.W., Pelikan C., Berry D., Gérard C., Le Coz X., Gagnot S., Niggemann J., Dittmar T., Singer G.A. and Loy A.: Bott­led aqua in­co­gni­ta: mi­cro­bio­ta as­sem­bly and dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter di­ver­si­ty in na­tu­ral mi­ne­ral wa­ters. Mi­cro­bio­me 5, 126, 1-17. (2017) PubMed
Linkhorst A., Dittmar T. and Waska H.: Mole­cu­lar frac­tio­na­ti­on of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in a shal­low sub­ter­ra­ne­an es­tua­ry: the role of the iron cur­tain. En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy 51, 1312-1320. (2017) PubMed
Mari X., Chu Van T., Guinot B., Brune J., Lefebvre J.P., Raimbault R., Dittmar T. and Niggemann J.: Sea­so­nal dy­na­mics of at­mo­s­phe­ric and ri­ver in­puts of black car­bon, and im­pacts on bio­geo­che­mi­cal cy­cles in Ha­long Bay, Viet­nam. Ele­men­ta: Sci­ence of the An­thro­po­ce­ne 5, 75, 1-22. (2017) Elementa
Marques J.S.J., Dittmar T., Niggemann J., Almeida M.G., Gomez-Saez G.V. and Rezende C.E.: Dis­sol­ved black car­bon in the head­waters-to-oce­an con­ti­nu­um of Pa­raíba do Sul Ri­ver, Bra­zil. Fron­tiers in Earth Sci­ence - Bio­geo­sci­ence 5, 11, 1-12. (2017) frontiers
Martínez-Pérez A.M., Nieto-Cid M., Osterholz H., Catalá T.S., Reche I., Dittmar T. and Álvarez-Salgado X.A.: Lin­king op­ti­cal and mole­cu­lar si­gna­tu­res of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea. Sci­en­ti­fic Re­ports 7, 3436, 1-11. (2017) nature
Medeiros P.M., Babcock-Adams L., Seidel M., Castelao R.M., Di Iorio D., Hollibaugh J.T. and Dittmar T.: Ex­port of ter­ri­ge­nous dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in a broad con­ti­nen­tal shelf. Lim­no­lo­gy and Ocea­no­gra­phy 62, 1718-1731. (2017) ASLO
Medeiros P.M., Seidel M., Gifford S.M., Ballantyne F., Dittmar T., Whitman W.B. and Moran M.A.: Mi­cro­bi­al­ly-me­dia­ted trans­for­ma­ti­ons of es­tua­ri­ne dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter. Fron­tiers in Earth Sci­ence - Ma­ri­ne Bio­geo­che­mis­try 4, 69, 1-11. (2017) frontiers
Mentges A., Feenders C., Seibt M., Blasius B. and Dittmar T.: Func­tio­nal mole­cu­lar di­ver­si­ty of ma­ri­ne dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter is re­du­ced du­ring de­gra­da­ti­on. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence - Ma­ri­ne Bio­geo­che­mis­try 4, 194, 1-10. (2017) frontiers
Mostovaya A., Hawkes J.A., Dittmar T. and Tranvik L.J.: Mole­cu­lar de­ter­mi­nants of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter re­ac­tivi­ty in lake wa­ter. Fron­tiers in Earth Sci­ence - Bio­geo­che­mis­try 5, 106, 1-13. (2017) frontiers
Mostovaya A., Hawkes J.A., Koehler B., Dittmar T. and Tranvik L.J.: Emer­gence of the re­ac­tivi­ty con­ti­nu­um of or­ga­nic mat­ter from ki­ne­tics of a multi­tu­de of in­di­vi­du­al mole­cu­lar con­sti­tu­ents. En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy 51, 11571-11579. (2017) ACS
Pohlabeln A., Gomez-Saez G.V., Noriega-Ortega B.E. and Dittmar T.: Ex­pe­ri­men­tal evi­dence for abio­tic sul­fu­riza­t­i­on of ma­ri­ne dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence - Ma­ri­ne Bio­geo­che­mis­try 4, 362, 1-11. (2017) frontiers
Romano S., Bondarev V., Dittmar T., Kölling M. and Schulz-Vogt H.N.: Phos­pha­te li­mi­ta­ti­on trig­gers the dis­so­lu­ti­on of pre­ci­pi­ta­ted iron by the ma­ri­ne bac­te­ri­um Pseu­do­vi­brio sp. FO-BEG1. Fron­tiers in Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy - Aqua­tic Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 8, 364, 1-11. (2017) PubMed
Rossel P., Stubbins A., Rebling T., Koschinsky A., Hawkes J.A. and Dittmar T.: Ther­mal­ly al­te­red ma­ri­ne dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in hydro­ther­mal fluids. Or­ga­nic Geo­che­mis­try 110, 73-86. (2017) ScienceDirect
Seidel M., Manecki M., Herlemann D.P.R., Deutsch B., Schulz-Bull D., Jürgens K. and Dittmar T.: Com­po­si­ti­on and trans­for­ma­ti­on of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter in the Bal­tic Sea. Fron­tiers in Earth Sci­ence - Ma­ri­ne Bio­geo­che­mis­try 5, 31, 1-20. (2017) frontiers
Zark M., Broda N.K., Riebesell U. and Dittmar T.: Oce­an aci­di­fi­ca­ti­on ex­pe­ri­ments in lar­ge-sca­le me­so­cosms re­veal si­mi­lar dy­na­mics of dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter pro­duc­tion and bio­trans­for­ma­ti­on. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence - Ma­ri­ne Bio­geo­che­mis­try 4, 271, 1-11. (2017) frontiers
Zark M., Christoffers J. and Dittmar T.: Mole­cu­lar pro­per­ties of deep-sea dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic mat­ter are pre­dic­ta­ble by the cen­tral li­mit theo­rem: evi­dence from tan­dem FT-ICR-MS. Ma­ri­ne Che­mis­try 191, 9-15. (2017) ScienceDirect

Ma­ri­ne Iso­to­pen­geo­che­mie

Beck M., Reckhardt A., Amelsberg J., Bartholomä A., Brumsack H.J., Cypionka H., Dittmar T., Engelen B., Greskowiak J., Hillebrand H., Holtappels M., Neuholz R., Köster J., Kuypers M.M.M., Massmann G., Meier D., Niggemann J., Paffrath R., Pahnke K., Rovo S., Striebel M., Vandieken V., Wehrmann A., Zielinski O.: The dri­vers of bio­geo­che­mis­try in beach eco­sys­tems: A cross-shore tran­sect from the du­nes to the low wa­ter line. Ma­ri­ne Che­mis­try 190, 35-50. (2017) ScienceDirect
Clift P.D., Zheng H., Carter A., Böning P., Schorr H., Shan X., Jonell T.N., Pahnke K., Rittenour T.M.: Con­trols on ero­si­on in the wes­tern Ta­rim Ba­sin: Im­pli­ca­ti­ons for the uplift of nor­thwest Ti­bet and Pa­mirs. Geo­s­phe­re 13, 1-19. (2017) Geosphere
Grasse P., Bosse L., Hathorne E.C., Böning P., Pahnke K., Frank M.: Short-term va­ria­bi­li­ty of dis­sol­ved rare earth ele­ments and neo­dy­mi­um iso­topes in the ent­i­re wa­ter co­lumn of the Pa­na­ma Ba­sin. Earth and Pla­ne­ta­ry Sci­ence Let­ters 475, 242-253. (2017) ScienceDirect
Jonell T.N., Carter A., Böning P., Clift P.D., Pahnke K.: Cli­ma­tic and gla­ci­al im­pact on ero­si­on pat­terns and se­di­ment pro­ven­an­ce in the Hi­ma­la­y­an rain shadow, Zans­kar Ri­ver, NW In­dia. GSA Bul­le­tin 129, 820-836. (2017) GSA
Liu C., Clift P.D., Carter A., Böning P., Hu Z., Sun Z., Pahnke K.: Con­trols on mo­dern ero­si­on and the de­ve­lop­ment of the Pearl Ri­ver drai­na­ge in the late Pa­leo­ge­ne. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 394, 52-68. (2017) ScienceDirect
Osborne A.H., Hathorne E.C., Schijf J., Plancherel Y., Böning P., Frank M.: The po­ten­ti­al of se­di­men­ta­ry fo­ra­mi­ni­fe­ral rare earth ele­ment pat­terns to tra­ce wa­ter mas­ses in the past. Geo­che­mis­try, Geo­phy­sics, Geo­sys­tems 18, 1550-1568. (2017) AGU

Mi­cro­bi­al Ge­no­mics and Bio­in­for­ma­tics Re­se­arch Group

Beccati A., Gerken J., Quast C., Yilmaz P., Glöckner F.O.: SIL­VA tree view­er: in­ter­ac­tive web brow­sing of the SIL­VA phy­lo­ge­ne­tic gui­de trees. BMC Bio­in­for­ma­tics 18:433 (2017) PubMed
Berney C. et al.: UniEuk: Time to Speak a Com­mon Lan­gua­ge in Pro­tis­to­lo­gy! Jour­nal of Eu­ka­ryo­tic Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 64:407-411 (2017) PubMed
Blin K., Medema M.H., Kottmann R., Lee S.Y., Weber T.: The an­tiS­MASH da­ta­ba­se, a com­pre­hen­si­ve da­ta­ba­se of mi­cro­bi­al se­con­da­ry me­ta­bo­li­te bio­syn­the­tic gene clus­ters. Nu­cleic Acid Res. 45:D555-D559 (2017) PubMed
Bowers R.M. et al.: Mi­ni­mum in­for­ma­ti­on about a sin­gle am­pli­fied ge­no­me (MISAG) and a me­ta­ge­no­me-as­sem­bled ge­no­me (MI­MAG) of bac­te­ria and ar­chaea. Nat Bio­tech 35:725-731(2017) PubMed
Chafee M., Fernàndez-Guerra A., Buttigieg P.L., Gerdts G., Eren A.M., Teeling H., Amann R.I.: Re­cur­rent pat­terns of mi­cro­di­ver­si­ty in a tem­pe­ra­te co­as­tal ma­ri­ne en­vi­ron­ment. The Isme Jour­nal 12:237 (2017) nature
Dadon-Pilosof A., Conley K.R., Jacobi Y., Haber M., Lombard F., Sutherland K.R., Steindler L., Tikochinski Y., Richter M., Glöckner F.O., Suzuki M.T., West N.J., Genin A., Yahel G.: Sur­face ro­per­ties of SAR11 bac­te­ria fa­ci­li­ta­te gra­zing avo­idance. Na­tu­re mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 2:1608-1615 (2017) PubMed
Füssel J., Lücker S., Yilmaz P., Nowka B., van Kessel M.A.H.J., Bourceau P., Hach P.F., Littmann S., Berg J., Spieck E., Daims H., Kuypers M.M.M., Lam P.: Ad­ap­ta­bi­li­ty as the key to suc­cess for the ubi­qui­tous ma­ri­ne ni­tri­te oxi­di­zer Ni­tro­coc­cus. Sci­ence Ad­van­ces 3:e170080 (2017) Science
Glöckner F.O., Yilmaz P., Quast C., Gerken J., Beccati A., Ciuprina A., Bruns G., Yarza P., Peplies J., Westram R., Ludwig W.: 25 ye­ars of ser­ving the com­mu­ni­ty with ri­bo­so­mal RNA gene re­fe­rence da­ta­ba­ses and tools. J. Bio­tech­nol. 261:169-176 (2017) PubMed
Mayer G., Quast C., Felden J., Lange M., Prinz M., Pühler A., Lawerenz C., Scholz U., Glöckner F.O., Müller W., Marcus K., Eisenacher M.: A ge­ne­ral­ly ap­p­lica­ble light­weight me­thod for cal­cu­la­ting a va­lue struc­tu­re for tools and ser­vices in bio­in­for­ma­tics in­fra­struc­tu­re pro­jects. Brief. Bio­in­form.:bbx140 (2017) PubMed
Meyer J.M., Baskaran P., Quast C., Susoy V., Rödelsperger C., Glöckner F.O., Sommer R.J.: Suc­ces­si­on and dy­na­mics of Pris­tionchus ne­ma­to­des and their mi­cro­bio­me du­ring de­com­po­si­ti­on of Oryc­tes bor­bo­ni­cus on La Réu­ni­on Is­land. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 19:1476-1489 (2017) PubMed
Penna A., Casabianca S., Guerra A.F., Vernesi C., Scardi M.: Ana­ly­sis of phy­to­plank­ton as­sem­bla­ge struc­tu­re in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea ba­sed on high-through­put se­quen­cing of par­ti­al 18S rRNA se­quen­ces. Ma­ri­ne Ge­no­mics 36:49-55 (2017) PubMed
Rast P., Glöckner I., Boedeker C., Jeske O., Wiegand S., Reinhardt R., Schumann P., Rohde M., Spring S., Glöckner F.O., Jogler C., Jogler M.: Three No­vel Spe­cies with Pep­ti­do­gly­can Cell Walls form the New Ge­nus La­cu­nis­pha­e­ra gen. nov. in the Fa­mi­ly Opi­tu­taceae of the Ver­ru­co­mi­cro­bi­al Sub­di­vi­si­on 4. Fron­tiers in Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 8:202 (2017) PubMed
Thiele S., Richter M., Balestra C., Glöckner F.O., Casotti R.: Ta­xo­no­mic and func­tio­nal di­ver­si­ty of a co­as­tal plank­to­nic bac­te­ri­al com­mu­ni­ty in a ri­ver-in­flu­en­ced ma­ri­ne area. Ma­ri­ne Ge­no­mics 32:61-69 (2017) ScienceDirect
Yarza P., Yilmaz P., Panzer K., Glöckner F.O., Reich M.: A phy­lo­ge­ne­tic frame­work for the king­dom Fun­gi ba­sed on 18S rRNA gene se­quen­ces. Ma­ri­ne Ge­no­mics 36:33-39(2017) PubMed
Zure M., Fernandez-Guerra A., Munn C.B., Harder J.: Geo­gra­phic dis­tri­bu­ti­on at sub­spe­cies re­so­lu­ti­on le­vel: clo­se­ly re­la­ted Rho­do­pi­rel­lu­la spe­cies in Eu­ro­pean co­as­tal se­di­ments. ISME J 11:478-489 (2017) PubMed

De­part­ment of Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy

Bondoso, J., F. Godoy-Vitorino, V. Balaque, J. Gasol, J. Harder, O. Lage: Epi­phytic Planc­to­my­ce­tes com­mu­nities as­so­cia­ted with three main groups of ma­cro­al­gae. FEMS Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy Eco­lo­gy 2017, 93 (2017) PubMed
Burak, R.L. Hahnke, M. Chafee, T. Fischer, H. Gruber-Vodicka, H.E. Tegetmeyer, J. Harder, B.M. Fuchs, R.I. Amann, H. Teeling: Ge­no­mic and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal ana­ly­ses of ‘Rei­nekea for­se­ti­i’ re­veal a ver­sa­ti­le op­por­tu­nis­tic life­style du­ring spring al­gae blooms. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 19, 1209-1211 (2017) PubMed
Faria M., N. Bordin, J. Kizina, J. Harder, D. Devos, O.M. Lage: Planc­to­my­ce­tes at­ta­ched to al­gal sur­faces: In­sights into their ge­no­mes. Ge­no­mics, https://​​10.1016/​j.yge­no.2017.10.007(2017) PubMed
Harder, J.: Pearls on the sur­face of kelp Rho­do­pi­rel­lu­la and other Planc­to­my­ce­tes. In: Migh­ty mi­cro­bes – the ama­zing world of mi­cro­or­ga­nisms, pp. 68-70 (Eds. J. van Doorn, J. Luirink, J. van der Oost, B. Ou­de­ga, L. Ro­bert­son, H. Smit, P. Wil­lem­sen, C. Biem­ans) Mi­cro­ca­non Foun­da­ti­on, the Nether­lands(2017) frontline
Harder J., R. Marmulla: Ca­t­a­bo­lic pa­thways and en­zy­mes in­vol­ved in an­ae­ro­bic de­gra­da­ti­on of ter­pe­nes. In: Hand­book of hy­dro­c­ar­bon and li­pid mi­cro­bio­lo­gy (Ed. M. Boll) doi: 10.1007/​978-3-319-33598-8_8-1 (2017) researchgate
Panschin I., M. Becher; S. Verbarg, C. Spröer, M. Rohde, M. Schüler, R.I. Amann, J. Harder, B.J. Tindall, R.L. Hahnke: De­scrip­ti­on of Gra­mel­la for­se­tii sp. nov., a ma­ri­ne Flav­o­bac­te­ri­aceae iso­la­ted from North Sea wa­ter, and emen­ded de­scrip­ti­on of Gra­mel­la gaet­bu­li­co­la Cho et al. 2011. Int J Syst Evol Mi­cro­bi­ol. 67, 697-703 (2017) PubMed
M. Žure A. Fernandez-Guerra, C.B. Munn, J. Harder: Geo­gra­phic dis­tri­bu­ti­on at sub­spe­cies re­so­lu­ti­on le­vel: clo­se­ly re­la­ted Rho­do­pi­rel­lu­la spe­cies in Eu­ro­pean co­as­tal se­di­ments. ISME J. 11, 478-489 (2017) PubMed
Ph.D., Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis
Jana Kizina: In­sights into the bio­lo­gy of can­di­da­te Di­v­idi­on OP3 LiM po­pu­la­ti­ons. Dis­ser­ta­ti­on, Uni­ver­si­tät Bre­men (2017)
Amine Josef Tahir: The phy­lo­ge­ne­tic cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of par­ti­cle-as­so­cia­ted bac­te­ria from the North Sea. Ba­che­lor the­sis, Uni­ver­si­ty Bre­men (2017)
Elisabeth Engler-Hüsch: Cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of a ter­pe­ne syn­tha­se ac­tivi­ty in Ca­s­tel­la­ni­el­la de­fra­grans.Mas­ter the­sis, Hoch­schu­le für An­ge­wand­te Wis­sen­schaf­ten Ham­burg (2017)

Mole­cu­lar Eco­lo­gy Group

Avci, B., R.L. Hahnke, M. Chafee, T. Fischer, H. Gruber-Vodicka, H. Tegetmeyer, J. Harder, B.M. Fuchs, R.I. Amann, and H. Teeling: Eco­phy­sio­lo­gy of “Rei­nekea for­se­tii” - a ver­sa­ti­le, op­por­tu­nis­tic and high­ly clo­nal Gam­ma­pro­te­ob­ac­te­ri­um re­cur­rent­ly as­so­cia­ted with North Seas spring al­gae blooms. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 19:1209-1221. (2017) PubMed
Barrero-Canosa, C. Moraru, L. Zeugner, B.M. Fuchs, and R. Amann: Di­rect-ge­ne­FISH: a sim­pli­fied pro­to­col for the si­mul­ta­neous de­tec­tion and quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of ge­nes and rRNA in mi­cro­or­ga­nisms. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 19:70-82 (doi: 10.1111/​1462-2920.13432). (2017) PubMed
Boedeker, C., M. Schüler, G. Reintjes, O. Jeske, M.C.F. van Teeseling, M. Jogler, P. Rast, D. Borchert, D.P. Devos, M. Kucklick, M. Schaffer, R. Kolter, L. van Niftrik, S. Engelmann, R. Amann, M. Rohde, H. Engelhardt, and C. Jogler: De­ter­mi­ning the bac­te­ri­al cell bio­lo­gy of Planc­to­my­ce­tes. Na­tu­re Comm. 8:14853. (2017) nature
Hehemann, J.H., L. Van Truong, F. Unfried, N. Welsh, J. Kabisch, S.E. Heiden, S. Junker, D. Becher, A. Thürmer, R. Daniel, R. Amann, and T. Schweder: Aqua­tic ad­ap­ta­ti­on of a la­te­r­al­ly ac­qui­red pec­tin de­gra­da­ti­on pa­thway in ma­ri­ne gam­ma­pro­te­ob­ac­te­ria. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. (ear­ly on­line DOI: 10.1111/​1462-2920.13726). (2017) PubMed
Konstantinidis, K., R. Rossello-Mora, and R. Amann: Per­spec­tive: Un­cul­ti­va­ted mi­cro­bes in need of their own ta­xo­no­my. ISME J. 11:2399-2406. (2017) ISME
Meier, D.V., P. Pjevac, W. Bach, S. Hourdez, P.R. Girguis, C. Vidoudez, R. Amann, and A. Meyerdierks: Ni­che par­ti­tio­n­ing of di­ver­se sul­fur-oxi­di­zing bac­te­ria at hydro­ther­mal vents. ISME J. 11:2399-2406. (2017) PubMed
Mishra, S., P. Wefers, M. Schmidt, K. Knittel, M. Krüger, M.H. Stagars, and T. Treude: Hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­da­ti­on in Caspian Sea se­di­ment co­res sub­jec­ted to si­mu­la­ted pe­tro­le­um see­page in a new­ly de­si­gned se­di­ment-oil-flow-through sys­tem. Front Mi­cro­bi­ol 8:763. (2017) PubMed
Mußmann, M., P. Pjevac, K. Krüger and S. Dyksma: Ge­no­mic re­per­toire of the Woe­sei­aceae/​JT­B255, cos­mo­po­li­tan and ab­un­dant core mem­bers of mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities in ma­ri­ne se­di­ments. ISME J. 11:1276-1278. (2017) ISME
Panschin, I., M. Becher, Susanne Verbarg, C. Spöer, M. Rohde, M. Schüler, R.I. Amann, J. Harder, B.J. Tindall, and R. Hahnke: De­scrip­ti­on of Gra­mel­la for­se­tii sp.nov., a ma­ri­ne Flav­o­bac­te­ri­aceae iso­la­ted from North Sea wa­ter, and emen­ded de­scrip­ti­on of Gra­mel­la gaet­bu­li­co­la Cho et al. 2011. Int. J. Sys­tem. Evol. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 67:697-703 (doi: 10.1099/​ij­sem.0.001700). (2017) PubMed
Probandt, D., K. Knittel, H.E. Tegetmeyer, S. Ahmerkamp, M. Holtappels, and R. Amann: Per­me­a­bi­li­ty shapes bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in sub­lit­to­ral sur­face se­di­ments. En­vi­ron Mi­cro­bi­ol 19:1584-1599 (doi:10.1111/​1462-2920.13676). (2017) PubMed
Reintjes, G., C. Arnosti, B.M. Fuchs and R. Amann: An al­ter­na­ti­ve po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de uptake me­cha­nism of ma­ri­ne bac­te­ria. ISME J. 11:1640-1650. (2017) PubMed
Stagars, M.H., S. Mishra, T. Treude, R. Amann, and K. Knittel: Mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty re­s­pon­se to si­mu­la­ted pe­tro­le­um see­page in Caspian Sea se­di­ments. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 8:764 (doi: 10.3389/​fmi­cb.2017.00764). PubMed
Viver, T., L.H. Orellana, J.K. Hatt, M. Urdiain, S. Diaz, M. Richter, J. Anton, M. Avian, R. Amann, K.T. Konstantinidis, and R. Rossello-Mora: The low di­ver­se gastric mi­cro­bio­me of the jel­ly­fish Co­ty­lor­hi­za tu­ber­cu­la­ta is do­mi­na­ted by four no­vel taxa. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 19:3039-3058 (doi: 10.1111/​1462-2962.13763). (2017) PubMed

Mi­cro­bi­al Phy­sio­lo­gy Group

Ferousi C., Lindhoud S, Baymann F, Kartal B, Jetten MSM, Reimann J.: Iron as­si­mi­la­ti­on and uti­liza­t­i­on in an­ae­ro­bic am­mo­ni­um oxi­di­zing bac­te­ria. Cur­rent Opi­ni­on in Che­mi­cal Bio­lo­gy (2017) ScienceDirect
Gambelli L., Guerrero-Cruz S, Mesman RJ, Cremers G, Jetten MSM, den Camp HJMO, Kartal B, Lueke C, van Niftrik L.: Com­mu­ni­ty com­po­si­ti­on and ul­tra­struc­tu­re of a ni­tra­te-de­pen­dent an­ae­ro­bic me­tha­ne-oxi­di­zing en­rich­ment cul­tu­re. Ap­p­lied and En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy doi: 10.1128/​AEM.02186-02117. (2017) AEM
van Mourik H., van Dijk ADJ, Stortenbeker N, Angenent GC, Bemer M.: Di­ver­gent re­gu­la­ti­on of Ara­bi­d­op­sis SAUR ge­nes: a fo­cus on the SAU­R10-cla­de. BMC Plant Biol 17:245. (2017) BMC


Avci B., Hahnke R.L., Chafee M., Fischer T., Gruber-Vodicka H., Tegetmeyer H.E., Harder J., Fuchs B.M., Amann R.I., Teeling H.: Ge­no­mic and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal ana­ly­ses of 'R­ei­nekea for­se­ti­i' re­veal a ver­sa­ti­le op­por­tu­nis­tic life­style du­ring spring al­gae blooms. En­vi­ron­men­tal Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy. 19(3): 1209-1221. doi: 10.1111/​1462-2920.13646 (2017) PubMed
Dubilier N.: High tide for ma­ri­ne mi­cro­bes. Cell 169: 771. https://​​10.1016/​j.cell.2017.05.009 (2017)
Jäckle O.: Mund- und darm­los in den Se­di­men­ten ma­ri­ner Tro­pen - Sym­bio­se macht´s mög­lich.In Klü­ger nut­zen - bes­ser schüt­zen: Bre­mer For­schung an tro­pi­schen Küs­ten, Hem­pel G, Hem­pel I, Hor­n­idge A-K, pp. 43–46. Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny: Edi­ti­on Fal­ken­berg (2017)
Kreutzmann A.-C., Dubilier N.: Dunk­le En­er­gie: Sym­bio­sen zwi­schen Tie­ren und che­mo­syn­the­ti­schen Bak­te­ri­en. In Fas­zi­na­ti­on Mee­res­for­schung, Hem­pel G, Ha­gel W, Bi­schof K (eds), 2 edn, 22, pp 231–243. Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny: Sprin­ger (2017) Springer
Ponnudurai R., Kleiner M., Sayavedra L., Petersen J.M., Moche M., Otto A., Becher D., Takeuchi T., Satoh N., Dubilier N., Schweder T., Markert S.: Me­ta­bo­lic and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal in­ter­de­pen­den­cies in the Ba­thy­mo­dio­lus azo­ri­cus sym­bio­sis. ISME Jour­nal. 11: 463-477. https://​​10.1038/​is­mej.2016.124. (2017) PubMed
Ponnudurai R., Sayavedra L., Kleiner M., Heiden S.E., Thürmer A., Felbeck H., Schlüter R., Sievert S.M., Daniel R., Schweder T., Markert S.: Ge­no­me se­quence of the sul­fur-oxi­di­zing Ba­thy­mo­dio­lus ther­mo­phi­lus gill en­do­sym­bi­ont. Stan­dards in Ge­no­mic Sci­en­ces 12: 50. (2017) PubMed
Rochfort S., Bailey-Wyatt A.M., Liebeke M., Southam A.D., Viant M.R., Bundy J.G.: Aro­ma­tic me­ta­bo­li­tes from the coelo­mic flu­id of Ei­se­nia ear­thworm spe­cies. Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal of Soil Bio­lo­gy 78: 17e19 (2017) ScienceDirect
Rubin-Blum M., Antony C.P., Borowski C., Sayavedra L., Pape T., Sahling H., Bohrmann G., Kleiner M., Redmond M.C., Valentine D.L., Dubilier N.: Short-chain al­ka­nes fuel mus­sel and spon­ge Cy­clo­clas­ti­cus sym­bi­onts from deep-sea gas and oil seeps. Na­tu­re Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 2:nmi­cro­bio­l201793. doi:10.1038/​nmi­cro­bi­ol.2017.93. (2017) PubMed
Seah B.K.B., Schwaha T., Volland J.-M., Huettel B., Dubilier N., Gruber-Vodicka H.R.: Spe­ci­fi­ci­ty in di­ver­si­ty: sin­gle ori­gin of a wi­de­s­pre­ad ci­lia­te-bac­te­ria sym­bio­sis. Pro­cee­dings of the Roy­al So­cie­ty B: Bio­lo­gi­cal Sci­en­ces 284: 20170764. doi:10.1098/​rspb.2017.0764. (2017) PubMed
Tavormina P.L., Kellermann M.Y., Antony C.P., Tocheva E., Dalleska N., Jensen A.J., Valentine D.L., Hinrichs K.-U., Jensen G., Dubilier N., Orphan V.J.: Star­va­ti­on and re­co­very in the deep-sea me­tha­notroph Me­thy­lo­pro­fun­dus se­di­men­ti. Mole­cu­lar Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy 103: 242-252. https://​​10.1111/​mmi.13553 (2017) PubMed
Urbaniak T., Soto M., Liebeke M., Koschek K.: In­sight into the Me­cha­nism of Re­ver­si­ble Ring-Opening of 1, 3-Ben­zo­xa­zi­ne with Thiols. The Jour­nal of Or­ga­nic Che­mis­try 82(8): 4050-4055. (2017) PubMed
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