Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen 2013

Al­lers E., Moraru C., Du­hai­me M.B., Be­ne­ze E., So­lo­nen­ko N., Barrero Canosa J., Amann R., and Sul­li­van M.B. (2013). Sin­gle-cell and po­pu­la­ti­on le­vel vi­ral in­fec­tion dy­na­mics re­vea­led by pha­ge­FISH, a me­thod to vi­sua­li­ze in­tra­cel­lu­lar and free vi­ru­s­es. Environ. Microbiol. 15:2306-2318. [PMID:23489642]
Bennke C.M., Neu T. R., Fuchs B.M., and Amann R. (2013). Map­ping gly­co­con­ju­ga­te-me­dia­ted in­ter­ac­tions of ma­ri­ne Bac­te­ro­ide­tes with dia­toms. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 36:417–425. [PMID:23809997]
Go­ly­shin P.N., Wer­ner J., Cher­ni­ko­va T.N., Tran H., Fer­rer M., Ya­ki­mov M.M., Teeling H., Go­ly­shi­na O.V. (2013) Gen­ome se­quence of Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1 (DSM 14913T). Ge­no­me An­nounc. 1:e0014113. [PMID:23599290]
Go­mez-Pe­rei­ra P.R., Hart­mann M., Grob C., Tar­ran G.A., Mar­tin A.P., Fuchs B.M., Scan­lan D.J., and Zubkov M.V. (2013a). Com­pa­ra­ble light sti­mu­la­ti­on of or­ga­nic nut­ri­ent uptake by SAR11 and Prochlorococcus in the North At­lan­tic sub­tro­pi­cal gyre. ISME J. 7:603-614. [PMID:23096403]
Go­mez-Pe­rei­ra P.R., Ken­na­way G., Fuchs B.M., Tar­ran G.A., and Zubkov M.V. (2013b). Flow cy­to­metric iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Mamiellales cla­de II in the Sou­thern At­lan­tic Oce­an. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 83:664-671. [PMID:23035812]
Hahn­ke R.L., Pro­bi­an C., Fuchs B.M., and Har­der J. (2013). Va­ria­ti­ons in pel­agic bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in the North At­lan­tic Oce­an co­in­ci­de with wa­ter bo­dies. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 71:131-140. [ame page]
Ko­lin­ko S., Wan­ner G., Katz­mann E., Kie­mer F., Fuchs B.M., and Schü­ler D. (2013). Clo­ne li­bra­ries and sin­gle cell ge­no­me am­pli­fi­ca­ti­on re­veal ex­ten­ded di­ver­si­ty of un­cul­ti­va­ted ma­gne­tot­ac­tic bac­te­ria from ma­ri­ne and freshwa­ter en­vi­ron­ments. Env. Microbiol. 15:1290-1301. [PMID:23106823]
Krup­ke A., Musat N., La­Ro­che J., Mohr W., Fuchs B.M., Amann R.I.,Kuy­pers M.M.M., and Fos­ter R.A. (2013). In situ iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and N2 and C fixa­ti­on ra­tes of un­cul­ti­va­ted cya­no­bac­te­ria po­pu­la­ti­ons. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 36:259–271. [PMID:23541027]
Mai­gni­en L., Par­kes R., Cragg B., Nie­mann H., Knittel K., Cou­lon S., Akhmetz­ha­nov A., Boon N. (2013). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne in hy­per­sa­li­ne cold seep se­di­ments. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 83:214-231. [PMID:22882187]
Mann A.J., Hahn­ke R.L., Huang S., Wer­ner J., Xing P., Bar­bey­ron T., Hüt­tel B., Stüber K., Rein­hardt R., Har­der J., Glöck­ner F.O., Amann, R.I., and Teeling H. (2013). The ge­no­me of the al­gae-as­so­cia­ted ma­ri­ne flav­o­bac­te­ri­um Formosa agariphila KMM 3901T re­veals a broad po­ten­ti­al for the de­gra­da­ti­on of al­gal po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79:6813-6822. [PMID:23995932]
Mußmann M., Augspur­ger C., Kar­wautz C., Ri­bot M.-R., Winkel M., Bat­tin T., and Daims H. (2013). Co­lo­niza­t­i­on of freshwa­ter bio­films by ni­tri­fy­ing bac­te­ria from ac­tiva­ted slud­ges. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 85:104-15. [PMID:23461285]
Nie­mann H., Lin­ke P., Knittel K., MacPh­er­son E., Boe­ti­us A., Bruck­mann W., La­vik G., Wall­mann K., Schacht U., Omo­re­gie E., Hil­ton D., Brown K., and Reh­der G. (2013). Me­tha­ne-car­bon flow into the bent­hic food web at cold seeps - a case stu­dy from the Cos­ta Rica sub­duc­tion zone. PLOS ONE 8:e74894. [PMID:24116017]
Pri­ce R.E., Les­niew­ski R., Nitz­sche K., Meyerdierks A., Sal­ti­kov C., Pi­ch­ler T., and Amend, J.P. (2013). Ar­chae­al and bac­te­ri­al di­ver­si­ty in an ar­se­nic-rich shal­low-sea hydro­ther­mal sys­tem un­der­go­ing pha­se se­pa­ra­ti­on. Front. Ext. Microbiol. 4:158. [PMID:23847597]
Ruff S.E., Arnds J., Knittel K., Amann R., We­ge­ner G, Ra­met­te A, Boe­ti­us, A (2013). Mi­cro­bi­al Com­mu­nities of Deep-Sea Me­tha­ne Seeps at Hi­kur­an­gi Con­ti­nen­tal Mar­gin (New Ze­a­land). PLoS ONE 8:e72627. [PMID:24098632]
Spring S., Rie­del T., Sprö­er C., Yan S., Har­der J., and Fuchs B.M. (2013). Ta­xo­no­my and evo­lu­ti­on of bac­te­riochlo­ro­phyll a-con­tai­ning mem­bers of the OM60/​NOR5 cla­de of ma­ri­ne gam­ma­pro­te­ob­ac­te­ria: de­scrip­ti­on of Luminiphilus syltensis gen. nov., sp. nov., re­clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Haliea rubra as Pseudohaliea rubra gen. nov., comb. nov., and emen­da­ti­on of Chromatocurvus halotolerans. BMC Microbiol. 13:118. [PMID:23705883]
van de Vos­sen­berg J., Woebken D., Maal­cke W.J., Wes­sels H.J.C.T., Du­tilh B.E., Kar­tal B., Jans­sen-Me­gens E.M., Roeselers G., Yan J., Speth D., Gloe­rich J., Ge­erts W., van der Bie­zen E., Pluk W., Fran­coijs K.-J., Russ L., Lam P., Mal­f­at­ti S.A., Trin­ge S.G., Haai­jer S.C.M., op den Camp H.J.M., Stun­nen­berg H.G., Amann R., Kuy­pers M., and Jet­ten M.S.M. (2013). The me­ta­ge­no­me of the ma­ri­ne anam­m­ox bac­te­ri­um Candidatus Scalindua profunda il­lus­tra­tes the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of this glo­bal­ly im­portant ni­tro­gen cy­cle bac­te­ri­um. Environ. Microbiol. 15:1275-1289. [PMID:22568606]
Fins­ter K.W., Kjeld­sen K., Kube M., Rein­hardt R., Mußmann M., Amann R., and Schrei­ber L. (2013). Com­ple­te ge­no­me se­quence of Desulfocapsa sulfexigens, a ma­ri­ne δ-pro­te­ob­ac­te­ri­um spe­cia­li­zed in dis­pro­por­tio­na­ting in­or­ga­nic sul­fur com­pounds. Standards in Genomic Sciences 8:58-68. [sigs page]
von Net­zer F., Pil­lo­ni G., Kleindienst S., Krü­ger, M., Knittel K., Gründ­ger F., and Lue­ders T. (2013). En­han­ced gene de­tec­tion as­says for fu­mara­te-ad­ding en­zy­mes al­low un­co­ver­ing an­ae­ro­bic hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­ders in ter­restri­al and ma­ri­ne sys­tems. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79:543-552. [PMID:23124238]
Wöhl­brand L., Ja­cob J., Kube M., Mußmann M., Jar­ling R., Beck A., Amann R., Wil­kes H., Rein­hardt R., and Ra­bus R. (2013). Com­ple­te ge­no­me and ca­t­a­bo­lic sub-pro­teo­mes of Desulfobacula toluolica Tol2, a ma­ri­ne aro­ma­tic com­pound-de­gra­ding sul­fa­te re­du­cer. Environ. Microbiol. 15:1334-55. [PMID:23088741]


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