Publikationen 2019

Amann, R.I., S. Baichoo, B.J. Blencowe, P. Bork, M. Borodovsky, C. Brooksbank, P.S.G. Chain, R.R. Colwell, D.G. Daffonchio, A. Danchin, V. de Lorenzo, P.C. Dorrestein, R.D. Finn, C.M. Fraser, J.A. Gilbert, S.J. Hallam, P. Hugenholtz, J.P.A. Ioannidis, J.K. Jansson, J.F. Kim, H.-P. Klenk, M.G. Klotz, R. Knight, K.T. Konstantinidis, N.C. Kyrpides, C.E. Mason, A.C. McHardy, F. Meyer, C.A. Ouzounis, A.A.N. Patrinos, M. Podar, K.S. Pollard, J. Ravel, A. Reyes Muñoz, R.J. Roberts, R. Rosselló-Móra, S.-A. Sansone, P.D. Schloss, L.M. Schriml, J.C. Setubal, R. Sorek, R.L. Stevens, J.M. Tiedje, A. Turjanski, G.W. Tyson, D.W. Ussery, G.M. Weinstock, O. White, W.B. Whitman, I. Xenarios. (2019). Towards un­re­stric­ted use of pu­blic ge­no­mic data. Sci­ence 363:350-2. (doi:10.1126/science.aaw1280).
Amann, R.. (2019). Das Früh­jahrsmik­robiom der süd­lichen Nord­see: Bac­terioplank­ton-Sukzes­sionen und bak­ter­i­elle Poly­sac­char­id­verwer­tung in einem Küst­en­meer. In: Die unbekannte Welt der Mikrobiome - Rundgespräche Forum Ökologie, pp. 31-41. Bayr­ische Akademie der Wis­senschaften (Eds.) Ver­lag Dr. Pfeil, München, Ger­many.
Fischer, T., M. Schorb, G. Reintjes, A. Kolovou, R. Santarella-Mellwig, S. Markert, E. Rhiel, S. Littmann, D. Becher, T. Schweder, and J. Harder. (2019). Biopearling of interconnected outer membrane vesicle chains by a marine flavobacterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85:e00829-19. (doi:10.1128/AEM.00829-19).
Francis, T.B., K. Krüger, B.M. Fuchs, H. Teeling, and R.I. Amann. (2019). Candidatus Pro­si­li­i­coc­cus ver­nus, a spring phy­to­plank­ton bloom as­so­cia­ted mem­ber of the Flavobacteriaceae. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 42:41-53. (doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2018.08.007).
Hehemann, J.H., G. Reintjes, L. Klassen, A.D. Smith, D. Ndeh, C. Arnosti, R. Amann, D.W. Abbott. (2019). Sin­gle cell fluo­re­scence ima­ging of gly­can uptake by in­tes­ti­nal bac­te­ria. ISME J. 13:1883-89. (doi:10.1038/s41396-019-0406-z)
Kappelmann, L., K. Krüger, J.H. Hehemann, J. Harder, S. Markert, F. Unfried, D. Becher, N. Shapiro, T. Schweder, R.I. Amann, and H. Teeling. (2019). Po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de uti­liza­t­i­on loci of North Sea Flavobacteriia as ba­sis for using SusC/​D-pro­te­in ex­pres­si­on for pre­dic­ting ma­jor phy­to­plank­ton gly­cans. ISME J. 13:76-91. (doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0242-6). 
Knittel, K., G. Wegener, A. Boetius (2019). Anaerobic methane oxidizers. In: T. McGenity (ed.), Microbial communities utilizing hydrocarbons and lipids: members, metagenomics and ecophysiology, Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, Springer Nature Switzerland, chapter 7, pp. 113-132. (
Krüger K., M. Chafee, T. Ben Francis, T.G. del Rio, D. Becher, T. Schweder, R.I. Amann, H. Teeling. (2019). In ma­ri­ne Bacteroidetes the bulk of gly­can de­gra­da­ti­on du­ring al­gae blooms is me­dia­ted by few cla­des using a re­stric­ted set of ge­nes. ISME J. 13:2800-16. (doi:10.1038/s41396-019-0476-y).
Laso-Pérez, R., C. Hahn, D.M. van Vliet, H.E. Tegetmeyer, F. Schubotz, N.T. Smit, T. Pape, H. Sahling, G. Bohrmann, A. Boetius, K. Knittel, and G. Wegener (2019). Anaerobic Degradation of Non-Methane Alkanes by “Candidatus Methanoliparia” in Hydrocarbon Seeps of the Gulf of Mexico. mbio 10: e01814-19. (10.1128/mBio.01814-19).
Meier, D.V., P. Pjevac, W. Bach, S. Markert, T. Schweder, J. Jamieson, S. Petersen, R. Amann, and A. Meyerdierks. (2019). Microbial metal-sulfide oxidation in inactive hydrothermal vent chimneys suggested by metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses. Environ. Microbiol. [Epub ahead of print].(doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14514). 
Orellana, L.H., T.B. Francis, K. Krüger, H. Teeling, M.-C. Müller, B.M. Fuchs, K.T. Konstantinidis, and R.I. Amann. (2019). Niche differentiation among annually recurrent coastal Marine Group II Euryarchaeota. ISME J. (
Pjevac, P., S. Dyksma, T. Goldhammer, I. Mujakic, M. Koblizek, M. Mussmann, R. Amann, S. Orlic. (2019). In situ ab­un­dance and car­bon fixa­ti­on ac­tivi­ty of dis­tinct an­oxy­ge­nic pho­to­tro­phs in the stra­ti­fied sea­wa­ter lake Ro­goz­ni­ca. En­vi­ron. Mi­crio­bi­ol. 21:3896-908. (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14739).
Puentes-Cala, E., and J. Harder. (2019). An RND transporter in the monoterpene metabolism of Castellaniella defragrans. Biodegradation. 30:1-12. (doi:10.1007/s10532-018-9857-6 ).
Ramirez, A.S., O.M. Vega-Orellana, T. Viver, J.B. Poveda, R.S. Rosales, C.G. Poveda, J. Spergser, M.P. Szostak, M.J. Caballero, L. Ressel, J.M. Bradbury, M.M. Tavio, S. Karthikeyan, R. Amann, K.T. Konstantinidis, R. Rossello-Mora. (2019). First de­scrip­ti­on of two mo­dera­te­ly ha­lo­phi­lic and psy­chro­to­le­rant Mycoplasma spe­cies iso­la­ted from ce­pha­lo­pods and pro­po­sal of Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarodis sp. nov. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 42:457-67. (doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2019.04.003).
Reintjes, G., C. Arnosti, B. Fuchs, R. Amann. (2019). Sel­fish, sharing and sca­ven­ging bac­te­ria in the At­lan­tic Oce­an: a bio­geo­gra­phi­cal stu­dy of bac­te­ri­al sub­stra­te uti­li­sa­ti­on. ISME J. 13:1119-32. (doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0326-3).
Reint­jes, G., H.E. Te­get­mey­er, M. Bür­gis­ser, S. Or­lić, I. Tews, M. Zubkov, D. Voß, O. Zie­lin­ski, C. Quast, F.O. Glöck­ner, R. Amann, T.G. Fer­de­l­man, B.M. Fuchs. (2019). On site analysis of bacterial communities of the ultra-oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 85(14). (doi:10.1128/AEM.00184-19).
Ruff, S.E., J. Felden, H.R. Gruber-Vodicka, Y. Marcon, K. Knittel, A. Ramette, and A. Boetius. (2019). In situ development of a methanotrophic microbiome in deep-sea sediments. ISME J. 13:197-213. (doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0263-1).
Schada von Borzyskowski, L., F. Severi, K. Krüger, L. Hermann, A. Gilardet, F. Sippel, B. Pommerenke, P. Claus, N.S. Cortina, T. Glatter, S. Zauner, J. Zarzycki, B.M. Fuchs, E. Bremer, U.G. Maier, R.I. Amann, T.J. Erb. (2019). Ma­ri­ne Pro­te­ob­ac­te­ria me­ta­bo­li­ze gly­co­la­te via the beta-hy­droxyas­par­ta­te cy­cle. Na­tu­re. 575:500-4. (doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1748-4).
Viver, T., L.H. Orellana, S. Diaz, M. Urdiain, M.D. Ramos-Barbero, J.E. Gonzalez-Pastor, A. Oren, J.K. Hatt, R. Amann, J. Anton, K.T. Konstantinidis, R. Rossello-Mora. (2019). Pre­do­mi­nan­ce of de­ter­mi­nis­tic mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty dy­na­mics in sal­terns ex­po­sed to dif­fe­rent light in­ten­si­ties. En­vi­ron. Mi­crio­bi­ol. 21:4300-15. (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14790).
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