Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen 2024

Miksch, S., L.H. Orellana, M. Oggerin de Orube, S. Vi­dal-Mel­go­sa, V. Solanki, J.-H. Hehe­mann, R. Amann, K. Knittel. (2024). Taxo­no­mic and func­tio­nal sta­bil­ity over­ru­les sea­son­al­ity in po­lar bent­hic mi­cro­bi­o­mes. ISME J. 18:1-14. (doi:10.1093/ismejo/wrad005)
Viver, T., R.E. Con­rad, L.M. Ro­d­ri­guez-R, A.S. Ramí­rez, S.N. Ven­ter, J. Ro­cha-Cár­de­nas, M. Lla­b­rés, R. Amann, K.T. Kon­stan­ti­ni­dis, R. Ros­sel­lo-Mora. (2024). To­wards es­tim­at­ing the num­ber of strains that make up a nat­ural bac­te­ri­al pop­u­la­tion. Nat. Com­mun. 15:544. (doi:10.1038/s41467-023-44622-z)
Brown, S., C.C. Lloyd, G. Giljan, S. Gho­bri­al, R. Amann, C. Arnosti. (2024). Pul­sed in­puts of high mo­lecu­lar weight or­ga­nic mat­ter shift the mech­an­isms of sub­stra­te util­isa­tion in mar­ine bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nit­ies. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­biol. 26:e16580. (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.16580)
Moncada, C., A. Ellrott, D. de Beer, R. Amann and K. Knittel. (2024). The Ell­rott grab: A small, light­weight sed­i­ment sam­pler for col­lect­ing un­dis­tur­bed san­dy sed­i­ments. Lim­nol. Oce­an­ogr. Meth. 22:159-69. (doi:10.1002/lom3.10598)

Wang, F.-Q., D. Bar­to­sik, C. Sidhu, R. Sie­bers, D.C. Lu, A. Traut­wein-Schult, D. Be­cher, B. Hu­et­tel, J. Rick, I.V. Kirstein, K.H. Wiltshire, T. Schwe­der, B.M. Fuchs, M.M. Ben­g­ts­son, H. Teeling, R.I. Amann. (2024). Par­ti­cle at­ta­ched bac­te­ria act as gate­keep­ers in the de­com­pos­i­tion of com­plex phy­to­plank­ton poly­sac­char­ides. Mi­cro­bi­ome. 12:32. (doi:10.1186/s40168-024-01757-5)

Stood­ley, P., N. Tölke, K. Schwer­mer, D. de Beer. (2024). Bio­en­er­ge­tics of si­mul­ta­neous oxy­gen and ni­tra­te re­spi­ra­ti­on and nitric oxi­de pro­duc­tion in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa agar co­lo­ny bio­film. Bio­film. 7:10018. (doi:10.1016/j.bioflm.2024.100181)

Sie­bers, R.,  D. Schultz,  M.S. Far­za,  A. Brau­er, D. Zühl­ke,  P.A. Mü­cke,  F.-Q. Wang,  J. Bern­hardt, H. Teeling,  D. Be­cher,  K. Rie­del,  I.V. Kirstein, K.H. Wiltshire,  K.J. Hoff,  T. Schwe­der,  T. Urich, M.M. Ben­g­ts­son. (2024). Ma­ri­ne par­ti­cle mi­cro­bio­mes du­ring a spring dia­tom bloom con­tain ac­tive sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria. FEMS Mi­cro. Ecol. 100:fia­e037. (doi:10.1093/femsec/fiae037)

Kalenborn, S., D. Zühl­ke, K. Rie­del, R.I. Amann, J. Harder. (2024). Pro­teo­mic in­sight into ara­bi­no­g­a­lac­tan uti­liza­t­i­on by par­ti­cle-as­so­cia­ted Maribacter sp. MAR_2009_72. FEMS Mi­cro. Ecol. 100:fia­e045. (doi:10.1093/femsec/fiae045)

Brüwer, J.D., C. Sidhu, Y. Zhao, A. Eich, L. Röß­ler, L.H. Orellana, B.M. Fuchs. (2024). Glo­bal­ly oc­cur­ring pel­agi­pha­ge in­fec­tions crea­te ri­bo­so­me-de­pri­ved cells. Nat. Com­mun. 15:3715. (doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48172-w)

Zühl­ke, M.-K., E. Ficko-Blean, D. Bar­to­sik, N. Ter­ra­pon, A. Jeu­dy, M. Jam, F.-Q. Wang, N. Welsch, A. Dür­wald, L.T. Mar­tin, R. La­roc­que, D. Jouan­neau, T. Ei­se­nack, F. Tho­mas, A. Traut­wein-Schult, H. Teeling, D. Be­cher, T. Schwe­der, M. Cz­jzek. (2024). Un­vei­ling the role of no­vel car­bo­hy­dra­te-bin­ding mo­du­les in la­mi­na­rin in­ter­ac­tion of mul­ti­modu­lar pro­te­ins from ma­ri­ne Bacteroidota du­ring phy­to­plank­ton blooms. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 26:e16624. (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.16624)

Mon­cada, C., C. Ar­nos­ti, J.D. Brüwer, D. de Beer, R. Amann, K. Knit­tel. (2024). Ni­che sep­ar­a­tion in bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nit­ies and ac­tiv­it­ies in pore­wa­ter, loo­se­ly at­ta­ched, and firm­ly at­ta­ched frac­ti­ons in per­me­able sur­face sed­i­ments. ISME 18:wra­e159. (doi:10.1093/ismejo/wrae159)

Dede, B., E.P. Ree­ves, M. Wal­ter, W. Bach, R. Amann, A. Mey­er­dier­ks. (2024). Bac­te­ri­al che­mo­li­tho­au­to­tro­phy in ul­tra­ma­fic plu­mes along the Mid-At­lan­tic Ridge. ISME 18:wra­e165. (doi:10.1093/ismejo/wrae165)

Bustos-Ca­par­ros, E., T. Vi­ver, J.F. Gago, L.M. Ro­d­ri­guez-R, J.K. Hatt, S.N. Ven­ter, B.M. Fuchs, R. Amann, R. Bosch, K.T. Kon­stan­ti­ni­dis, R. Ros­sel­lo-Mora. (2024). Eco­lo­gi­cal suc­cess of ex­tre­me ha­lo­phi­les sub­jec­ted to re­cur­rent os­mo­tic dis­tur­ban­ces is pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by con­ge­ne­ric spe­cies re­pla­ce­ment. ISME 18:wra­e215. (doi:10.1093/ismejo/wrae215)

Beid­ler, I., N. Stein­ke, T. Schul­ze, C. Sid­hu, D. Bar­to­sik, M.-K. Zühl­ke, L. Tor­res Mar­tin, J. Krull, T. Dut­sch­ei, B. Fer­re­ro-Bor­de­ra, J. Rie­li­cke, V. Kale, T. Sura, A. Traut­wein-Schult, I.V. Kirstein, K.H. Wiltshire, H. Tee­ling, D. Be­cher, M.M. Ben­g­ts­son, J.-H. Hehe­mann, U.T. Born­scheu­er, R.I. Amann, T. Schwe­der. (2024). Al­pha-glu­cans from bac­te­ri­al ne­cro­mass in­di­ca­te an in­tra-po­pu­la­ti­on loop wi­t­hin the ma­ri­ne car­bon cy­cle. Nat. Com­mun. 15:4048. (doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48301-5)

Knittel, K., S. Miksch, C. Moncada, S. Silva-Solar, J. Moye, R. Amann, C. Arnosti. (2024). Distinct actors drive different mechanisms of biopolymer processing in polar marine coastal sediments. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 26:e16687. (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.16687)
Kalenborn, S., D. Zühlke, G. Reintjes, K. Riedel, R.I. Amann and J. Harder. (2024). Genes for laminarin degradation are dispersed in the genomes of particle-associated Maribacter species. Fron­tiers Mi­cro­bi­ol. 15:1393588. (doi:10.3389/fmicb.2024.1393588)
Silva-Solar, S., T. Viver, Y. Wang, L.H. Orellana, K. Knittel, R. Amann. (2024).  Acidimicrobiia, the actinomycetota of coastal marine sediments: Abundance, taxonomy and genomic potential. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 47:126555. (doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126555)
Conrad, R.E., C.E. Brink, T. Viver, L.M. Rodriguez-R, B. Aldeguer-Riquelme, J.K. Hatt, S.N. Venter, R. Rossello-Mora, R. Amann, K.T. Konstantinidis. (2024). Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination. Nat. Com­mun. 15:9906. (doi:10.1038/s41467-024-53787-0)


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