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2024 Silva-Solar, S., Viver, T., Wang, Y., Orellana, L.H., Knittel, K., Amann, R. (2024). Aci­di­mi­cro­biia, the ac­tino­my­ce­to­ta of co­as­tal ma­ri­ne se­di­ments: Ab­un­dance, ta­xo­no­my and ge­no­mic po­ten­ti­al. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 47: 126555. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126555)
  Knittel K., Miksch, S., Moncada, C., Silva-Solar, S., Moye, J., Amann, R., Arnosti, C. (2024). Dis­tinct ac­tors dri­ve dif­fe­rent me­cha­nisms of bio­po­ly­mer pro­ces­sing in po­lar ma­ri­ne co­as­tal se­di­ments. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 26:e16687 (https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.16687)
  Moncada, C., Arnosti, C., Brüwer, J.D., De Beer, D., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2024). Ni­che se­pa­ra­ti­on in bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities and ac­tivi­ties in po­re­wa­ter, loo­se­ly at­ta­ched, and firm­ly at­ta­ched frac­tions in per­me­able sur­face se­di­ments. The ISME J, 18: wra­e159 (https://doi.org/10.1093/ismejo/wrae159)
  Moncada, C., Ellrott, A., De Beer, D., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2024). The Ell­rott grab: A small, light­weight se­di­ment sam­pler for collec­ting un­dis­tur­bed san­dy se­di­ments. Lim­nol. Ocea­no­gr. Meth. 22: 159-169 (https://doi.org/10.1002/lom3.10598)
  Miksch, S., Orellana, L.H., Oggerin-de Orube, M., Vidal-Melgosa, S., Solanki, V., Hehemann, J.-H., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2024). Ta­xo­no­mic and func­tio­nal sta­bi­li­ty over­ru­les sea­so­na­li­ty in po­lar bent­hic mi­cro­bio­mes. The ISME J. 18: wra­d005 (https://doi.org/10.1093/ismejo/wrad005)
2021 Vaksmaa, A., Knittel, K., Abdala, A., Goudriaan, M., Ellrott, A., Witte, H., Vollmer, I., Meirer, F., Lott, C., Weber, M., Niemann, H. (2021). Mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities on plas­tic po­ly­mers in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea . Fron­tiers Mi­cro­bi­ol. 12: 673553 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.673553)
  Miksch, S.,M. Mei­ners,A. Mey­er­dier­ks,D. Pro­bandt, G. We­ge­ner, J. Tit­schack, M.A. Jen­sen,A. Ell­rott,R. Amann, Knit­tel, K. (2021).  Bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nit­ies in tem­pe­ra­te and po­lar co­as­tal sands are sea­so­nal­ly sta­ble. ISME Com­mun.1:29.(doi:10.1038/s43705-021-00028-w)
  Ludwig, W.,Viver, T., Westram, R., Gago, J.F., Bustos-Caparros, E., Knittel, K., Amann, R., Rossello-Mora, R. (2021). Re­lease LT­P_12_2020, fea­turing a new ARB ali­gn­ment and im­pro­ved 16S rRNA tree for pro­ka­ryo­tic type strains. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 44: 126218 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2021.126218).
  Gründ­ger, F., Probandt, D., Knittel, K., Car­ri­er, V., Ka­le­n­it­chen­ko, D., Si­lya­ko­va, A., Serov, P., Fer­ré, B., Sven­ning, M., Nie­mann, H. (2021). Sea­so­nal shifts of mi­cro­bi­al me­tha­ne oxi­da­ti­on in Arc­tic shelf wa­ters above gas seeps (Sval­bard ar­chi­pel­ago). Lim­nol. Ocea­no­gr. 66: 1896-1914 (doi.org/10.1002/lno.11731)
2020 Kleindienst, S. & Knittel, K. (2020). An­ae­ro­bic hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­ding sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria at ma­ri­ne gas and oil seeps. In: Ma­ri­ne hy­dro­c­ar­bon seeps. Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy and Bio­geo­che­mis­try of a glo­bal ma­ri­ne ha­bi­tat. (eds). A. Tes­ke & V. Car­val­ho. Sprin­ger Ocea­no­gra­phy se­ries. Sprin­ger Na­tu­re Swit­z­er­land, chap­ter 2, pp. 21-42 (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34827-4).
  Hahn, C.J., R. Laso-Perez, F. Vulcano, K.-M. Vaziorakis, R. Stokke, I.H. Steen, A. Teske, M. Liebeke,K. Knittel, R. Amann and G. Wegener. (2020). "Candidatus Etha­nope­re­dens," a ther­mo­phi­lic ge­nus of Archaea me­dia­ting the an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of etha­ne. mBio­11:e00600-20. (doi:10.1128/mBio.00600-20)
  Wegener, G., Knittel, K., Bohrmann, G., Schubotz, F. (2020). Bent­hic deep-sea life as­so­cia­ted with asphal­tic hy­dro­c­ar­bon emis­si­ons in the Sou­thern Gulf of Me­xi­co. In: Ma­ri­ne hy­dro­c­ar­bon seeps. Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy and bio­geo­che­mis­try of a glo­bal ma­ri­ne ha­bi­tat. (eds). A. Tes­ke & V. Car­val­ho. Sprin­ger Ocea­no­gra­phy se­ries. Sprin­ger Na­tu­re Swit­z­er­land, chap­ter 5, pp. 101-124 (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34827-4).
  Hoffmann, K., Bienhold, C., Buttigieg, P., Knittel, K., Laso-Pérez, R., Rapp, J., Boetius, A., Offre, P. (2020). Di­ver­si­ty and me­ta­bo­lism of Woeseiales bac­te­ria, glo­bal mem­bers of ma­ri­ne se­di­ment com­mu­nities. ISME J. 14: 1042–1056 (doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-0588-4).
  Cho, H., Hwang, C.Y., Kim, J.-G., Kang, S., Knittel, K., Choi, A., Kim, S.-H., Rhee, S.-K., Yang, E.Y., Lee, S., and Hyun, J.-H. (2020). A uni­que bent­hic mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty un­der­ly­ing the Phaeo­cys­tis ant­arc­tica-do­mi­na­ted Amund­sen Sea po­lynya, Ant­arc­tica: a pro­xy for as­ses­sing the im­pact of glo­bal chan­ges. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 797 (doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00797).
2019 Knittel, K., Wegener, G., and Boetius, A. (2019). An­ae­ro­bic me­tha­ne oxi­di­zers. In: T. Mc­Ge­ni­ty (ed.), Mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities uti­li­zing hy­dro­c­ar­bons and li­pids: mem­bers, me­ta­ge­no­mics and eco­phy­sio­lo­gy, Hand­book of Hy­dro­c­ar­bon and Li­pid Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Sprin­ger Na­tu­re Swit­z­er­land, chap­ter 7, pp. 113-132. (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14785-3_7).
  Laso-Pérez, R., Hahn, C., van Vliet, D.M., Tegetmeyer, H.E., Schubotz, F., Smit, N.T., Pape, T., Sahling, H., Bohrmann, G., Boetius, A., Knittel, K., Wegener, G. (2019).
An­ae­ro­bic De­gra­da­ti­on of Non-Me­tha­ne Al­ka­nes by “Candidatus Me­tha­no­lip­a­ria” in Hy­dro­c­ar­bon Seeps of the Gulf of Me­xi­co. mbio 10: e01814-19. (10.1128/mBio.01814-19).
  Ruff, S.E., Felden, J., Gruber-Vodicka, H.R., Marcon, Y., Knittel, K., Ramette, A.,  Boetius, A. (2019). In situ de­ve­lop­ment of a me­tha­notro­phic mi­cro­bio­me in deep-sea se­di­ments. ISME J. 13: 197-213. (doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0263-1).
2018 Pro­bandt, D., Eick­horst, T., Ellrott, A., Amann, R., Knit­tel, K. (2018). Mi­cro­bi­al life on a sand grain: from bulk se­di­ment to sin­gle grains. ISME J. 12:623-33. (doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.197).
  Stein­le, L., Knittel, K., Fel­ber, N., Ca­sa­li­no, C., de Lan­ge, G., Tes­sa­ro­lo, C., Stad­nits­kaia, A., Dams­té, J.S.S., Zop­fi, J., Leh­mann, M.F., Treu­de, T., Nie­mann, H. (2018). Life on the edge: ac­tive mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities in the Kry­os MgCl2 bri­ne ba­sin at very low wa­ter ac­tivi­ty. ISME J. 12:1414-26. (doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0107-z).
2017 Stagars, M.H., Mishra, S., Treude, T., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2017). Mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty re­s­pon­se to si­mu­la­ted pe­tro­le­um see­page in Caspian Sea se­di­ments. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 8: 764 (doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00764)
  Mishra, S., Wefers, P., Schmidt, M., Knittel, K., Krüger, M., Stagars, M.H., Treude, T. (2017). Hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­da­ti­on in Caspian Sea se­di­ments co­res sub­jec­ted to si­mu­la­ted pe­tro­le­um see­page in a new­ly de­si­gned se­di­ment-oil-flow-through-sys­tem. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 8: 763 (doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00763).
  Probandt, D., Knittel, K., Te­get­mey­er, H., Ah­mer­kamp, S., Hol­tap­pels, M., Amann, R. (2017). Per­me­a­bi­li­ty shapes bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in sub­lit­to­ral sur­face se­di­ments. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 19: 1584-1599. (doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13676).
2016 Laso-Pérez, R., We­gener, G. Knittel, K., Wid­del, F., Hard­ing, K.J., Kruken­berg, V., Meier, D.V., Richter, M., Te­get­meyer, H.E., Riedel, D., Rich­now, H.H., Ad­rian, L., Ree­mtsma, T., Lechten­feld, O.J., Musat, F. (2016). Ther­mo­phi­lic ar­chaea ac­tiv­ate bu­ta­ne via al­kyl-coen­zyme M form­a­tion. Na­tu­re 539:396-401 (doi:10.1038/nature20152).
  Krukenberg, V., Harding, K., Richter, M., Glöckner, F.O., Gruber-Vodicka, H.R., Adam, B., Berg, J. S., Knittel, K., Tegetmeyer, H. E., Boetius, A., Wegener, G. (2016). Can­di­da­tus Des­ul­fo­fer­vi­dus au­xi­l­ii, a hy­dro­ge­notro­phic sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ri­um in­vol­ved in the ther­mo­phi­lic an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 18:3073-3091 (doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13283).
  Ruff, S.E., Kuhfuss, H., Wegener, G., Lott, C., Ramette, A., Wiedling, J., Knittel, K., Weber, M. (2016). Me­tha­ne seep in shal­low-wa­ter per­me­able se­di­ment har­bors high di­ver­si­ty of an­ae­ro­bic me­tha­notro­phic com­mu­nities, Elba, Ita­ly. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 7: 374.
  Wegener, G., Krukenberg, V., Ruff, S.E., Kellermann, M.Y., Knittel, K. (2016). Me­ta­bo­lic ca­pa­bi­li­ties of mi­cro­or­ga­nisms in­vol­ved in and as­so­cia­ted with the an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 7: e46.
  Stagars, M., Ruff, E., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2016). High di­ver­si­ty of an­ae­ro­bic al­ka­ne-de­gra­ding mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities in ma­ri­ne seep se­di­ments ba­sed on their (1-me­thyl­al­kyl)suc­ci­na­te syn­tha­se ge­nes. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 6: e1511.
2015 Ruff, S.E., Biddle, J.F., Teske, A.P., Knittel, K., Boetius, A., Ramette, A. (2015). Glo­bal dis­per­si­on and lo­cal di­ver­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the me­tha­ne seep mi­cro­bio­me. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: 4015-4020.
2014 Ruff, S.E., Probandt, D., Zinkann, A.-C., Iversen, M.H., Klaas, C., Würzberg, L., Krombholz, N., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Knittel, K. (2014) In­di­ca­ti­ons for al­gae-de­gra­ding bent­hic mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities in deep-sea se­di­ments along the Ant­arc­tic Po­lar Front. Deep Sea Res. Pt II: To­pi­cal Stu­dies in Ocea­no­gra­phy 108: 6-16.
  Kleindienst, S., Herbst, F.A., Stagars, M., von Netzer, F., von Bergen, M., Seifert, J., Peplies, J., Amann, R., Musat, F., Lueders, T., Knittel, K. (2014). Di­ver­se sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria of the Des­ul­fo­sar­ci­na/​Des­ul­fo­coc­cus cla­de are the key al­ka­ne de­gra­ders at ma­ri­ne seeps. ISME J. 8:2029-44. (doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.51)
2013 Ruff S. E., Arnds J., Knittel K., Amann R., Wegener G, Ramette A, Boetius, A. (2013). Mi­cro­bi­al Com­mu­nities of Deep-Sea Me­tha­ne Seeps at Hi­kur­an­gi Con­ti­nen­tal Mar­gin (New Ze­a­land). PLoS ONE 8: e72627
  Niemann H., Linke P., Knittel K., MacPherson E., Boetius A., Bruckmann W., Lavik G., Wallmann K., Schacht U., Omoregie E., Hilton D., Brown K., and Rehder G. (2013). Me­tha­ne-car­bon flow into the bent­hic food web at cold seeps - a case stu­dy from the Cos­ta Rica sub­duc­tion zone. PLOS ONE 8: e74894
  Von Netzer, F., Pilloni, G., Kleindienst, S., Krüger, M., Knittel, K., Gründger, F., Lueders, T. (2013). En­han­ced gene de­tec­tion as­says for fu­mara­te-ad­ding en­zy­mes al­low un­co­ver­ing an­ae­ro­bic hy­dro­c­ar­bon de­gra­ders in ter­restri­al and ma­ri­ne sys­tems. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 79: 543-552
  Maignien, L., Parkes, R., Cragg, B., Niemann, H., Knittel, K., Coulon, S., Akhmetzhanov, A., Boon, N. (2013). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne in hy­per­sa­li­ne cold seep se­di­ments. FEMS Mi­cro­bi­ol. Ecol. 83: 214-231
2012 Sánchez-Andrea, I., Knittel, K., Amann, R., Amils, R., Sanz, J. (2012). Quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Tin­to Ri­ver se­di­ment mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities: the im­port­an­ce of sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria and their role in at­te­nua­ting acid mine drai­na­ge. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 78: 4638-4645
  Kellermann, M.Y., Wegener, G., Elvert, M., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Lin Y.-S., Holler, T., Mollar, X.P., Knittel, K., Hinrichs, K.-U. (2012). Au­to­tro­phy as a pre­do­mi­nant mode of car­bon fixa­ti­on in an­ae­ro­bic me­tha­ne-oxi­di­zing mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. doi:10.1073/​pnas.1208795109
  Kleindienst, S., Ramette, A., Amann, R., Knittel, K. (2012). Dis­tri­bu­ti­on and in situ ab­un­dance of sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria in di­ver­se ma­ri­ne hy­dro­c­ar­bon seep se­di­ments. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 14: 2689-2710
  Petersen, J.M., Wentrup, C., Verna, C., Knittel, K., Dubilier, N. (2012). Orig­ins and Evo­lu­tio­na­ry Fle­xi­bi­li­ty of Che­mo­syn­the­tic Sym­bi­onts From Deep-Sea Ani­mals. Biol. Bull. 223: 123-137
  Kubo, K., Lloyd, K.G., Biddle, J., Amann, R., Teske, A., Knittel, K. (2012). Ar­chaea of the Mis­cel­laneous Cren­ar­chaeo­tal Group are ab­un­dant, di­ver­se, and wi­de­s­pre­ad in ma­ri­ne se­di­ments. ISME J. 6: 1949-1965
2011 Holler, T., Widdel, F., Knittel, K., Amann, R., Kellermann, M.Y., Hinrichs, K.-U. et al. (2011). Ther­mo­phi­lic an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne by ma­ri­ne mi­cro­bi­al con­sor­tia. ISME J. 5:1946-1956
  Kubo, K., Knittel, K., Amann, R., Fukui, M., and Matsuura, K. (2011). Sul­fur-me­ta­bo­li­zing bac­te­ri­al po­pu­la­ti­ons in mi­cro­bi­al mats of the Naka­bu­sa hot spring, Ja­pan. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 34: 293-302.
  Knittel, K., Boetius, A. (2011). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne with sul­fa­te. In En­cy­clo­pe­dia of Geo­bio­lo­gy. Reit­ner, J., and Thiel, V. (eds). Ber­lin Hei­del­berg New York: Sprin­ger Sci­ence+Busi­ness Me­dia B.V., pp. 36-47
  Schubert, C.J., Vazquez, F., Lösekann-Behrens, T., Knittel, K., Tonolla, M., Boetius, A. (2011). Evi­dence for an­ae­ro­bi­c­oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne in se­di­ments of a freshwa­ter sys­tem (Lago di­Ca­da­g­no). FEMS Mi­cro­bi­ol. Ecol. 76: 26-38
  Girnth, A.-C., Grünke, S., Lichtschlag, A., Felden, J., Knittel, K., Wenzhöfer, F., de Beer, D., Boetius, A. (2011). A no­vel, mat-for­ming Thio­mar­ga­ri­ta po­pu­la­ti­on as­so­cia­ted with a sul­fi­dic flu­id flow from a deep-sea mud vol­ca­no. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol 13: 495-505
2010 Knittel, K., Boetius, A. (2010). An­ae­ro­bic me­tha­ne oxi­di­zers. Hand­book of Hy­dro­c­ar­bon and Li­pid Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Sprin­ger Ver­lag Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, chap­ter 30, page 2024-2032
  Schreiber, L., Holler, T., Knittel, K, Meyerdierks, A., and Amann, R. (2010) Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the do­mi­nant sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ri­al part­ner of an­ae­ro­bic me­tha­notro­phs of the ANME-2 cla­de. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 12: 2327-2340.
  Aquilina A, Knab NJ, Knittel K, Kaur, G, Geissler A, Kelly SP, Fossing H, Boot CS, Parkes RJ, Mills RA, Boetius A, Lloyd JR, Pancost RD (2010). Bio­mar­ker in­di­ca­tors for an­ae­ro­bic oxi­di­zers of me­tha­ne in bra­ckish-ma­ri­ne se­di­ments with dif­fu­si­ve me­tha­ne flu­xes. Org. Geo­chem. 41: 414-426
  Orcutt, B.N., Joye, S.B., Kleindienst, S., Knittel, K., Ramette, A., Reitz, A., Samarkin, V., Treude, T., Boetius, A. (2010). Im­pact of na­tu­ral oil and hig­her hy­dro­c­ar­bons on mi­cro­bi­al di­ver­si­ty, dis­tri­bu­ti­on, and ac­tivi­ty in Gulf of Me­xi­co cold-seep se­di­ments. Deep-Sea Res. Part II 57: 2008-2021
  Arnds, J., Knittel, K., Buck ,U., Winkel, M., Amann, R. (2010). De­ve­lop­ment of a 16S rRNA-tar­ge­ted pro­be set for Ver­ru­co­mi­cro­bia and its ap­p­li­ca­ti­on for fluo­re­scence in situ hy­bri­di­za­t­i­on in a hu­mic lake. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 33: 139-148
  Widdel, F., Knittel, K., Galushko, A. (2010). An­ae­ro­bic hy­dro­c­ar­bon-de­gra­ding mi­cro­or­ga­nisms - an over­view. Hand­book of Hy­dro­c­ar­bon and Li­pid Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Sprin­ger Ver­lag Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, chap­ter 29, pp. 1997-2021
  Boetius A., Knittel K. (2010). Ha­bi­tats of an­ae­ro­bic me­tha­ne oxi­di­zers. Hand­book of Hy­dro­c­ar­bon and Li­pid Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, Sprin­ger Ver­lag Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, chap­ter 42, pp. 2194-2202
2009 Niemann, H., Fischer, D., Graffe, D., Knittel, K., Montiel, A., Heilmayer, O., Nöthen, K., Pape, T., Kasten, S., Bohrmann, G., Boetius, A., Gutt, J. (2009). Bio­geo­che­mis­try of a low-ac­tivi­ty cold seep in the Lar­sen B area, wes­tern Wed­dell Sea, Ant­arc­tica. Bio­geo­sci­en­ces 6: 2383–2395
  Knittel, K., Boetius, A. (2009). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne: pro­gress with an un­k­nown pro­cess. Ann. Rev. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 63: 311-334
  Holler, T., Wegener, G., Knittel, K., Boetius, A., Brunner, B., Kuypers, M.M.M., Widdel, F. (2009). Sub­stan­ti­al 13C/​12C and D/​H frac­tio­na­ti­on du­ring an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne by ma­ri­ne con­sor­tia en­ri­ched in vi­tro. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. Rep. 1: 370-376
  Boetius, A., Holler, T., Knittel, K., Felden, J., and Wenzhöfer, F. (2009). The se­abed as na­tu­ral la­bo­ra­to­ry: les­sons from un­cul­ti­va­ted me­tha­notro­phs. In Un­cul­ti­va­ted mi­cro­or­ga­nisms. Epstein, S.S. (ed). Ber­lin / Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger, pp. 59-82.
2008 Boetius, A., Holler, T., Knittel, K., Felden, J., Wenzhöfer, F. (2008). The se­abed as na­tu­ral la­bo­ra­to­ry: les­sons from un­cul­ti­va­ted me­tha­notro­phs. Mi­cro­bi­ol Mo­no­gr. Sprin­ger-Ver­lag Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, pp. 59-82
  Wegener, G., Shovitri, M., Knittel, K., Niemann, H., Hovland, M. and Boetius, A. (2008). Bio­geo­che­mi­cal pro­ces­ses and mi­cro­bi­al di­ver­si­ty of the Gull­faks and Tom­me­li­ten me­tha­ne seeps (Nort­hern North Sea). Bio­geo­sci­en­ces 5:1127-1144
  Lösekann, T., Robador, A., Niemann, H., Knittel, K., Boetius, A. and Dubilier, N. (2008). En­do­sym­bio­ses bet­ween bac­te­ria and deep-sea si­bog­li­nid tu­be­worms from an Arc­tic cold seep (Haa­kon Mos­by Mud Vol­ca­no, Ba­rents Sea). En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 10:3237-3254
2007 Kniemeyer, O., Musat, F., Sievert, S.M., Knittel, K., Wilkes, H., Blumenberg, M., Michaelis, W., Classen, A., Bolm, C., Joye, S.B., Widdel, F. (2007). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of short-chain hy­dro­c­ar­bons by ma­ri­ne sulp­ha­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria. Na­tu­re 449: 898-901
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2006 Musat, N., Werner, U., Knittel, K., Kolb, S., Dodenhof, T., van Beusekom, J.E.E., DeBeer, D., Dubilier, N., Amann, R. (2006). Mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty struc­tu­re of san­dy in­terti­dal se­di­ments in the North Sea, Sylt-Rømø Ba­sin, Wad­den Sea. Syst. Appl. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 29:333-348
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2005 Beardsley, C., Knittel, K., Amann, R., Pernthaler, J. (2005). Quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and dis­tinc­tion of aplas­ti­dic and plas­ti­dic ma­ri­ne na­no­plank­ton by fluo­re­scence in situ hy­bri­di­za­t­i­on. Aquat. Mi­cro­bi­ol. Ecol. 41: 163-169
  Knittel, K., Kuever, J., Meyerdierks, A., Meinke, R., Amann, R., Brinkhoff, T. (2005). Thio­mi­cro­s­pi­ra arc­tica sp nov and Thio­mi­cro­s­pi­ra psy­chro­phi­la sp nov., psy­chro­phi­lic, ob­li­ga­te­ly che­mo­li­tho­au­to­tro­phic, sul­fur-oxi­di­zing bac­te­ria iso­la­ted from ma­ri­ne Arc­tic se­di­ments. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 55: 781-786
  Knittel K, Lösekann T, Boetius A, Kort, R., Amann, R. (2005). Di­ver­si­ty and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of me­tha­notro­phic ar­chaea at cold seeps. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 71: 467-479
  Treude, T., Knittel, K., Blumenberg, M., Seifert, R., Boetius, A. (2005). Sub­sur­face mi­cro­bi­al me­tha­notro­phic mats in the Black Sea. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 71: 6375-6378.
  Meyerdierks, A., Kube, M., Lombardot, T., Knittel, K., Bauer, M., Glöckner, F.O., Reinhardt, R., Amann, R. (2005). In­sights into the ge­no­mes of ar­chaea me­dia­ting the an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 7: 1937-1951
2004 Detmers, J., Strauss, H., Schulte, U., Bergmann, A., Knittel, K., Kuever, J. (2004). FISH shows that Des­ul­fo­to­ma­cu­lum spp. are the do­mi­na­ting sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria in a pris­ti­ne aqui­fer. Mi­crob. Ecol. 47: 236-242
2003 Knittel, K., Boetius, A., Lemke, A., Eilers, H., Lochte, K., Pfannkuche, O., Linke, P., Amann, R. (2003). Ac­tivi­ty, dis­tri­bu­ti­on, and di­ver­si­ty of sul­fa­te re­du­cers and other bac­te­ria in se­di­ments above gas hy­dra­te (Cas­ca­dia Mar­gin, OR). Geo­mi­cro­bi­ol. J. 20: 269-294
  Elvert, M., Boetius, A., Knittel, K., Jørgensen, B.B. (2003). Cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of spe­ci­fic mem­bra­ne fat­ty acids as che­mo­ta­xo­no­mic mar­kers for sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria in­vol­ved in an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne. Geo­mi­cro­bi­ol. J. 20: 403-419
  Brinkmeyer, R. , Knittel, K., Jürgens, J., Weyland, H., Amann, R., Helmke, E. (2003). Di­ver­si­ty and struc­tu­re of bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nities in Arc­tic ver­sus Ant­arc­tic pack ice. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 69: 6610-6619
  Treude, T., Boetius, A., Knittel, K., Wallmann, K., Jørgensen, B.B. (2003). An­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne above gas hy­dra­tes at Hy­dra­te Ridge, NE Pa­ci­fic Oce­an. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 264: 1-14
2002 MacGregor, B.J., Ravenschlag, K., Amann, R. (2002). Nu­cleic acid-ba­sed tech­ni­ques for ana­ly­zing the di­ver­si­ty, struc­tu­re, and func­tion of mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­nities in ma­ri­ne wa­ters and se­di­ments. In: Oce­an Mar­gin sys­tems. We­fer, G., Bil­lett, D. Heb­beln, D., Jør­gen­sen, B.B., Schlü­ter, M., Van Weering, T. (eds.), Sprin­ger-Ver­lag Hei­del­berg: pp 419-438
  Michaelis, W., Seifert, R., Nauhaus, K., Treude, T., Thiel, V., Blumenberg, M., Knittel, K., Gieseke, A., Peterknecht, K., Pape, T., Boetius, A., Amann, R., Jørgensen, B.B., Widdel, F., Peckmann, J., Pimenov, N.V., Gulin, M.B. (2002). Mi­cro­bi­al reefs in the Black Sea fu­e­led by an­ae­ro­bic oxi­da­ti­on of me­tha­ne. Sci­ence 297: 1013-1015
2001 Ravenschlag, K., Sahm, K., Amann, R. (2001). Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve mole­cu­lar ana­ly­sis of the mi­cro­bi­al com­mu­ni­ty in ma­ri­ne Arc­tic se­di­ments (Sval­bard). Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 67: 387-395
2000 Ravenschlag, K., Sahm, K., Knoblauch, C., Jørgensen, B.B., Amann, R. (2000). Com­mu­ni­ty struc­tu­re, cel­lu­lar rRNA con­tent and ac­tivi­ty of sul­fa­te-re­du­cing bac­te­ria in ma­ri­ne Arc­tic se­di­ments. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 66: 3592-3602
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1999 Ravenschlag, K., Sahm, K., Pernthaler, J., Amann, R. (1999). High bac­te­ri­al di­ver­si­ty in per­man­ent­ly cold ma­ri­ne se­di­ments. Appl. En­vi­ron. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 65: 3982-3989


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