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05.02.2016 100 Eddy Kilometres

Feb 5, 2016
Marine scientists from Kiel and Bremen, for the first time, document the formation of an eddy off the coast of Peru.
100 Eddy Kilometres

Using seven autonomous measuring platforms, so-called ocean gliders, oceanographers from Kiel and Bremen for the first time managed to document the formation of a nearly 100-kilometer wide eddy off the coast of Peru. These eddies are important for the transport of oxygen, nutrients and heat through the oceans. Read the full-length GEOMAR press release here.


Dr. Manfred Schlösser
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 704, mschloes(at)

Dr. Fanni Aspetsberger
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 947, faspetsb(at)
Gleiter, Anna Reichel, Geomar
Launch of a glider off the coast of Peru (Photo: Anna Reichel, GEOMAR).
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