Expeditions Andreas Ellrott

RV Maria S. Merian 
09.2006 - 10.2006 Cruise MSM03/1 (VISION) from Reykjavik to Lisbon
- Microbial communities of the North Atlantic Ocean -
Field of duty: Tech. support for CTD & water sampler
RV Meteor 
05.2008 - 06.2008 Cruise M76/2 from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay
- Process studies in the eastern South Atlantic -
Field of duty: Tech. support for pumpcast CTD
RV Meteor 
12.2008 - 01.2009 Cruise M77/3 from Guayaquil to Callao
- Climate- Biogeochemistry interactions in the tropical ocean of the SE-American oxygen minimum zone -
Field of duty: Tech. support for pumpcast CTD
RRS Discovery 
08.2011 – 09.2011 Cruise D369 (LINK) from Tenerife to Tenerife
- The influence of advection and sedimentation on linking microbial phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre -
Field of duty: Tech. support for free-fall pumpcast CTD


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