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  • MARUM Re­search Award for Clara Martínez-Pérez

MARUM Re­search Award for Clara Martínez-Pérez

Jun 7, 2018

Clara Martínez-Pérez receives this year's "MARUM Research Award for Marine Sciences".


Clara Martínez-Pérez receives this year's "MARUM Research Award for Marine Sciences" for her PhD thesis on "Identification of dominant marine diazotrophs and their impact on oceanic N2fixation". The prize is awarded annually for outstanding scientific work in the marine sciences at the University of Bremen.

The MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Research at the University of Bremen annually awards the MARUM Research Award for Marine Sciences. This prize is awarded to outstanding master's or doctoral theses written in the last two years by junior scientists of the marine sciences at the University of Bremen. The prize money of up to € 3,000, which can be split, is to be used as a scholarship and is intended to benefit the scientific goals of the prizewinner.

"MARUM awards the research prize in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements by junior researchers," says MARUM Director Professor Michael Schulz. "As a cluster of excellence, the qualified training of young scientists is particularly important to us in order to provide young people with ideal conditions for their future career."

In addition to Martínez-Pérez, Kerstin Kretschmer was also awarded for her doctoral thesis and Maren Elisabeth Richter and Lucy Schlicht for her master's theses.

Clara Martinez Perez
Cla­ra Mar­tí­nez-Pé­rez (MPIMM)


Head of Press & Communications

Dr. Fanni Aspetsberger

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-9470

Dr. Fanni Aspetsberger
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