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  • Prof. Dr. Peter Käm­p­fer: "Mi­cro­bial Tax­onomy and Bergey´s Trust"

Prof. Dr. Peter Käm­p­fer: "Mi­cro­bial Tax­onomy and Bergey´s Trust"

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Hörsaal MPI 4.Stock
Jan 11, 2018


Thursday, Janu­ary 11, 2018 
in the New Aud­it­or­ium (4012) at 3:00 p.m. (15:00h) 

PROF. DR. DR. PETER KÄMPFER (Jus­tus-Liebig-Uni­versity, Gießen, Ger­many) 

will give a sem­inar with the title: 

Genotype versus phenotype in the taxonomy of Prokaryotes - An example from the genus Rhizobium and the role of "Bergey´s Manual of Systematics of Bacteria and Archaea in modern Taxonomy"


Genotype versus phenotype in the taxonomy of Prokaryotes – An example from the genus Rhizobium and the role of “Bergey ́s Manual of Systematics of Bacteria and Archaea in modern Taxonomy”

Mod­ern taxo­nomic ap­proaches in mi­cro­bi­o­logy aim at the es­tab­lish­ment of a sys­tem that mir­rors the evol­u­tion with the ul­ti­mate goal to de­scribe the whole evol­u­tion­ary or­der back to the ori­gin of life. With the re­cog­ni­tion of mo­lecu­lar mark­ers present in all or­gan­isms (e.g. rRNAs,ss­RNSs), this pos­sib­il­ity has be­come more and more feas­ible and the gen­er­a­tion of gene and in­creas­ing num­bers of gen­ome se­quences al­low now the gen­er­a­tion of large amounts of data and a very de­tailed in­sight into the ge­netic po­ten­tial of proka­ryotes. The pos­sib­il­ity to gen­er­ate whole gen­ome se­quences leads to a strong tend­ency to base the taxo­nomic sys­tem more and more on se­quence data, the gen­o­type. However, the phen­o­type re­mains of ma­jor im­port­ance. Res­ults of two Rhizobium/​Agrobac­terium ra­diobac­ter strains show­ing 99.8% av­er­age nuc­le­otide iden­tity with strong dif­fer­ent eco­lo­gical func­tions show this im­port­ance and point to the fact, that a com­pre­hens­ive un­der­stand­ing of all the in­form­a­tion be­hind se­quence data is lag­ging far be­hind their ac­cu­mu­la­tion. Genes and gen­omes may (or may not) func­tion only in a given “en­vir­on­ment”, with the cell as ba­sic en­tity for the dis­play of this po­ten­tial.

A taxo­nomic en­cyc­lo­pe­dia like Bergey ́s Manual of Sys­tem­at­ics of Bac­teria and Ar­chaea may provide com­pre­hens­ive in­form­a­tions not only for tax­onom­ists but also for mi­cro­bi­o­logy in gen­eral in this con­text.


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