Pub­lic­a­tions R Amann PDF 2000


Mon­it­or­ing pre­cursor 16S rRNAs of Acineto­bac­ter spp. in ac­tiv­ated sludge wastewa­ter treat­ment sys­tems.
Mi­cro­bial man­ganese and sulfate re­duc­tion in Black Sea shelf sed­i­ments.
Cul­tur­ab­il­ity and in situ abund­ance of pela­gic bac­teria from the North Sea.
Ex­tremely halo­philic Bac­teria in crys­tal­lizer ponds from solar salt­erns.
Com­munity struc­ture, cel­lu­lar rRNA con­tent, and activ­ity of sulfate-re­du­cing bac­teria in mar­ine Arc­tic sed­i­ments.
Un­labeled helper oli­go­nuc­leotides in­crease the in situ ac­cess­ib­il­ity of 16S rRNA for fluor­es­cently labeled oli­go­nuc­leotide probes.
Suc­ces­sion of pela­gic mar­ine bac­teria dur­ing en­rich­ment: a close look at cul­tiv­a­tion-in­duced shifts.
Com­par­at­ive 16S rRNA ana­lysis of lake bac­terioplank­ton re­veals glob­ally dis­trib­uted phylo­gen­etic clusters in­clud­ing an abund­ant group of ac­tin­obac­teria.
Meth­oden zur Bestim­mung der in situ-Funk­tion von Mik­roor­gan­is­men.
Meth­od­o­lo­gical As­pects of fluor­es­cence in situ hy­brid­iz­a­tion.
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