Publications R Amann PDF 2021


In situ vi­sua­liza­t­i­on of gly­co­si­de hy­dro­la­se fa­mi­ly 92 ge­nes in ma­ri­ne flav­o­bac­te­ria.

North Sea spring bloom-as­so­cia­ted Gammaproteobacteria fill di­ver­se he­te­ro­tro­phic ni­ches.

Cul­tiva­ble Winogradskyella spe­cies are ge­no­mi­cal­ly dis­tinct from the sym­pa­tric ab­un­dant can­di­da­te spe­cies.

Mi­cro­bial meta­gen­ome-as­sem­bled gen­omes of the Fram Strait from short and long read se­quen­cing plat­forms.

Bac­te­ri­al com­mu­nit­ies in tem­pe­ra­te and po­lar co­as­tal sands are sea­so­nal­ly sta­ble.

Par­ti­cle Collec­tion in Im­hoff Se­di­men­ta­ti­on Co­nes En­ri­ches Both Mo­ti­le Che­mot­ac­tic and Par­ti­cle-At­ta­ched Bac­te­ria.

Chan­ging ex­pres­si­on pat­terns of TonB-de­pen­dent trans­por­ters sug­gest shifts in po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de con­sump­ti­on over the cour­se of a spring phy­to­plank­ton bloom.

Di­ver­si­ty and bio­mass dy­na­mics of unicel­lu­lar ma­ri­ne fun­gi du­ring a spring phy­to­plank­ton bloom.

Quantifying fluorescent glycan uptake to elucidate strain-level variability in foraging behaviors of rumen bacteria.

Dia­tom fu­can po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de pre­ci­pi­ta­tes car­bon du­ring al­gal blooms

Tight Ad­he­rence (Tad) Pi­lus Ge­nes In­di­ca­te Pu­ta­ti­ve Ni­che Dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on in Phy­to­plank­ton Bloom As­so­cia­ted Rhodobacterales.


Sü­ßes Fest­mahl mit meh­re­ren Gän­gen: wie Bak­te­ri­en Al­gen ver­na­schen.

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