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Welcome, MarMic Class of 2029

Sep 25, 2024

On September 23, 2024, it was that time again: We welcome the 9 new MarMics to our institute!

MarMic Master Class of 2028 © Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology/Alexandra Krüger

After an intensive induction week, the students who have now arrived at our International Max Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology will attend and complete numerous lectures and seminars, practicals and laboratory projects in the coming year. As every year, there will also be an excursion to Sylt. After the first year, it's on to the Master's thesis.

Dear students - we are glad that you are here and enrich our research as well as the life of the institute!

Please dir­ect your quer­ies to:

General Coordinator of the International Max Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology (MarMic)

Department of Molecular Ecology

Dr. Christiane Glöckner

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-9340

Dr. Christiane Glöckner
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