
Forschungsgruppe Metabolische Interaktionen

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We use modern mass-spectrometry methods to understand which molecules are involved in marine host-microbe systems, how different metabolites shape ecological communities, and how the symbiotic partners respond metabolically to environmental changes.

The research in this lab is constantly driven by method developments like high-resolution mass-spectrometry imaging to reveal the spatial metabolome of microbial systems. Our expertise is microbial metabolomics with a special focus on marine systems.

Top Left © Aman Akeerath Mundanatt; Top Right © MARUM; Bottom © HYDRA Institute

Latest News

Zeige 6-10 von 19 Einträgen.

We welcome our new Post Doc, Jana Geuer:


Hello everyone!

My name is Jana and I will be working on the sea4soCiety project to better understand the role of metabolites in carbon sequestration within coastal environments. Previously, my research focused on the interaction between organic matter and metals in aquatic systems. I am particu...

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Grace D'Angelo presented her poster at ASMS


Grace D'Angelo presented her poster entitled, 'Exploring Carbon Cycling in Complex Microbial Communities with Metaproteome-derived Stable Isotope Fingerprints' at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) conference. This project and poster are part of collaborative work with the Kleiner ...

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Sea4Society Project is Underway


In­no­va­ti­ve und ge­sell­schaft­lich ak­zep­tier­te An­sät­ze ent­wi­ckeln, um das na­tür­li­che Po­ten­zi­al für Koh­len­stoffspei­che­rung in ve­ge­ta­ti­ons­rei­chen Küs­te­nöko­sys­te­men zu ver­bes­sern: So lau­tet das Ziel des neu­en For­schungs­ver­bundssea4soCiety, an dem das Bre­mer Ma...

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Eine neue laserbasierte Ionenquelle wurde installiert


Eine neue laserbasierte Ionenquelle wurde im Labor der Arbeitsgruppe „Metabolische Interaktionen” installiert. Mit der brandneuen AP-SMALDI-5AF können wir die räumliche Auflösung unser bildgebenden Massenspektrometrie Messungen auf 5 µm verdoppeln. Zusätzlich können wir die Messgeschwindigkeit un...

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Select Publications

Michellod D, Bien T, Birgel D, Violette M, Kleiner M, Fearn S, Zeidler C, Gruber-Vodicka HR, Dubilier N, Liebeke M. 2023. De novo phytosterol synthesis in animals. Science
Geier BOetjen JRuth Steiner BPolikarpov M, Gruber-Vodicka HR, Liebeke M2021. Connecting structure and function from organisms to molecules in small-animal symbioses through chemo-histo-tomography. PNAS. 118 (27) e2023773118; 10.1073 / pnas.2023773118
Janda M, Seah BKB, Jakob D, Beckmann J, Geier B, and Liebeke M. 2021. Determination of Abundant Metabolite Matrix Adducts Illuminates the Dark Metabolome of MALDI-Mass Spectrometry Imaging Datasets. Analytical Chemistry. 93 (24): 8399-8407. 10.1021 / acs.analchem.0c04720 
Geier, B., Sogin, E., Michellod, D., Janda, M., Kompauer, M., Spengler, B., Dubilier, N. & Liebeke M. 2020. Spatial metabolomics of in situ host - microbe interactions at the micrometer scale. Nature Microbiology.
Sogin EM, Puskás E, Dubilier N, Liebeke M. 2019. Marine Metabolomics: a method for nontargeted measurement of metabolites in seawater by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. mSystems 4 (6): e00638-19. 10.1128 / mSystems.00638-19
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