
News Metabolische Interaktionen

Zeige 1-19 von 19 Einträgen.

We welcome Bruna Imai to the group


Hello everyone! My name is Bruna and I will be working on the sea4soCiety project investigating the role of dissolved organic compounds present in coastal ecosystems. More specifically, I will apply Mass spectrometry techniques to identify compounds exuded by Salt Marshes plants and found in pore...

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We welcome our new PhD student, Malin Stüwe


Hey everyone! My name is Malin. I joined the MS group of the symbiosis department for my PhD. My research will be focused on the characterization of the gut microbiome and metabolic interactions occurring between the host and microbes. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with Kie...

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We welcome our new intern, Adrian Stolfa


Hello! As a new laboratory assistant at Business Academy Aarhus in Denmark, I am thrilled to be embarking on a journey of discovery and exploration in the field of GC-MS. I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the laboratory and contribute to ongoing research projects. Throughout my internship...

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We welcome our new intern, Tomasz Markowski


Hi my name is Tomasz and I will be working as laboratory assistant in MS group in Symbiosis department. An internship in the institute is part of my studies: Chemical and Biotechnical Science at the Business Academy Aarhus. I have always enjoyed working in a field of chemistry and this is the rea...

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We welcome our new Post Doc, Jana Geuer:


Hello everyone!

My name is Jana and I will be working on the sea4soCiety project to better understand the role of metabolites in carbon sequestration within coastal environments. Previously, my research focused on the interaction between organic matter and metals in aquatic systems. I am particu...

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Grace D'Angelo presented her poster at ASMS


Grace D'Angelo presented her poster entitled, 'Exploring Carbon Cycling in Complex Microbial Communities with Metaproteome-derived Stable Isotope Fingerprints' at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) conference. This project and poster are part of collaborative work with the Kleiner ...

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Sea4Society Project is Underway


In­no­va­ti­ve und ge­sell­schaft­lich ak­zep­tier­te An­sät­ze ent­wi­ckeln, um das na­tür­li­che Po­ten­zi­al für Koh­len­stoffspei­che­rung in ve­ge­ta­ti­ons­rei­chen Küs­te­nöko­sys­te­men zu ver­bes­sern: So lau­tet das Ziel des neu­en For­schungs­ver­bundssea4soCiety, an dem das Bre­mer Ma...

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Eine neue laserbasierte Ionenquelle wurde installiert


Eine neue laserbasierte Ionenquelle wurde im Labor der Arbeitsgruppe „Metabolische Interaktionen” installiert. Mit der brandneuen AP-SMALDI-5AF können wir die räumliche Auflösung unser bildgebenden Massenspektrometrie Messungen auf 5 µm verdoppeln. Zusätzlich können wir die Messgeschwindigkeit un...

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3D CHEMHIST Paper Published in PNAS


Correlative chemical imaging in symbiosis: Our workflow, combining mass spectrometry imaging and microCT in a multimodal 3D atlas of a symbiotic invertebrate is now online in PNAS, Congrats Benedikt!

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mass2adduct paper published in Analytical Chemistry


The mass2adduct paper, which describes a method for identifying adducts in mass-spec imaging data, was recently published. Congrats to the team consisting of Moritz Janda, Brandon KB Seah, Dennis Jakob, Janine Beckmann, Benedikt Geier, and Manuel Liebeke. Find out more at these links:

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Poster prize at the It Ma(t)Ters conference


Dennis Jakob presented a poster at the virtual It Ma(t)Ters conference and on his Master's thesis work combining spatial metabolomics with spatial transcriptomics. With this work, Dennis won the prize for best poster voted on by the conference attendees.

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Dennis Jakob Master's Thesis Defence



We congratulate Dennis Jakob, who successfully defended his Master's thesis entitled, "Combining MALDI MS imaging and transcriptomics to investigate phenotypic heterogeneity of intracellular symbionts in deep-sea mussels" 

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