Recent and Selected Publications
MPI for Marine Microbiology
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Recent and Selected Publications
For complete list of Scientific Publications, see pdf below. |
2024 |
Methane leakage through the sulfate–methane transition zone of the Baltic seabed |
2023 |
Simultaneous sulfate reduction and nitrate reduction in coastal sediments |
2021 |
Niche partitioning by photosynthetic plankton as a driver of CO2-fixation across the oligotrophic South Pacific Subtropical Ocean |
2020 |
Kelp Deposition Changes Mineralization Pathways and Microbial Communities in a Sandy Beach |
2019 | Arcobacter peruensis sp. nov., a Chemolithoheterotroph Isolated from Sulfide- and Organic-Rich Coastal Waters off Peru Cameron M. Callbeck, Chris Pelzer, Gaute Lavik, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Jon S. Graf, Bram Vekeman, Harald Schunck, Sten Littmann, Bernhard M. Fuchs, Philipp F. Hach, Tim Kalvelage, Ruth A. Schmitz, Marcel M. M. Kuypers Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 85, no. 24. |
2018 | Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria Cameron M. Callbeck, Gaute Lavik, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bernhard Fuchs, Harald R. Gruber-Vodicka, Philipp F. Hach, Sten Littmann, Niels J. Schoffelen, Tim Kalvelage, Sören Thomsen, Harald Schunck, Carolin R. Löscher, Ruth A. Schmitz, Marcel M. M. Kuypers Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1729. |
Single-cell imaging of phosphorus uptake shows that key harmful algae rely on different phosphorus sources for growth Niels J. Schoffelen, Wiebke Mohr, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Sten Littmann, Julia Duerschlag, Mikhail V. Zubkov, Helle Ploug, Marcel M. M. Kuypers Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 17182. |
2017 | Intense biological phosphate uptake onto particles in subeuphotic continental margin waters S. Sokoll, T. G. Ferdelman, M. Holtappels, T. Goldhammer, S. Littmann, M. H. Iversen, M. M. M. Kuypers Geophysical Research Letters, pp. 2016GL072183. |
2015 | Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from sea floor to basement in deep-sea sediments Steven D'Hondt, Fumio Inagaki, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, Lewis J. Abrams, Nathalie Dubois, Tim Engelhardt, Helen Evans, Timothy Ferdelman, Britta Gribsholt, Robert N. Harris, Bryce W. Hoppie, Jung-Ho Hyun, Jens Kallmeyer, Jinwook Kim, Jill E. Lynch, Claire C. McKinley, Satoshi Mitsunobu, Yuki Morono, Richard W. Murray, Robert Pockalny, Justine Sauvage, Takaya Shimono, Fumito Shiraishi, David C. Smith, Christopher E. Smith-Duque, Arthur J. Spivack, Bjorn Olav Steinsbu, Yohey Suzuki, Michal Szpak, Laurent Toffin, Goichiro Uramoto, Yasuhiko T. Yamaguchi, Guo-liang Zhang, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Wiebke Ziebis Nature Geoscience, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 299–304. |
Linking sedimentary sulfur and iron biogeochemistry to growth patterns of a cold-water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, S.W. Ireland (IODP Expedition 307) L. M. Wehrmann, J. Titschack, M. E. Böttcher, T. G. Ferdelman Geobiology, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 424–442. |
Cryptic Cross-Linkages Among Biogeochemical Cycles: Novel Insights from Reactive Intermediates Colleen M. Hansel, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bradley M. Tebo Elements, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 409–414. |
2014 | Sulfidization of lacustrine glacial clay upon Holocene marine transgression (Arkona Basin, Baltic Sea) Lars Holmkvist, Kamyshny Jr., Alexey, Volker Brüchert, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bo Barker Jørgensen Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 142, pp. 75–94. |
Chapter 2.7 - Biogeochemical Consequences of the Sedimentary Subseafloor Biosphere Laura M. Wehrmann, Timothy G. Ferdelman Developments in Marine Geology, vol. 7, pp. 217–252. |
The Impact of Sediment and Carbon Fluxes on the Biogeochemistry of Methane and Sulfur in Littoral Baltic Sea Sediments (Himmerfjärden, Sweden) Nguyen Manh Thang, Volker Brüchert, Michael Formolo, Gunter Wegener, Livija Ginters, Bo Barker Jørgensen, Timothy G. Ferdelman Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 98–115. |
2013 | The pH and pCO2 dependence of sulfate reduction in shallow-sea hydrothermal CO2 – venting sediments (Milos Island, Greece) Elisa Bayraktarov, Roy E. Price, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Kai Finster Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 4. |
Cyclic 100-ka (glacial-interglacial) migration of subseafloor redox zonation on the Peruvian shelf Sergio Contreras, Patrick Meister, Bo Liu, Xavier Prieto-Mollar, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Arzhang Khalili, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Bo Barker Jørgensen Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 110, no. 45, pp. 18098–18103. |
2012 | Substrate-specific pressure-dependence of microbial sulfate reduction in deep-sea cold seep sediments of the Japan Trench Antje Vossmeyer, Christian Deusner, Fumio Inagaki, Timothy G. Ferdelman Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, vol. 3, pp. 253. |
Zero-valent sulphur is a key intermediate in marine methane oxidation Jana Milucka, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Lubos Polerecky, Daniela Franzke, Gunter Wegener, Markus Schmid, Ingo Lieberwirth, Michael Wagner, Friedrich Widdel, Marcel M. M. Kuypers Nature, vol. 491, no. 7425, pp. 541–546. |
2012 | Interstitial fluid chemistry of sediments underlying the North Atlantic gyre and the influence of subsurface fluid flow Wiebke Ziebis, James McManus, Timothy Ferdelman, Friederike Schmidt-Schierhorn, Wolfgang Bach, Jesse Muratli, Katrina J. Edwards, Heinrich Villinger Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 323-324, pp. 79–91. |
Heterotrophic organisms dominate nitrogen fixation in the South Pacific Gyre Hannah Halm, Phyllis Lam, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Gaute Lavik, Thorsten Dittmar, Julie LaRoche, Steven D'Hondt, Marcel MM Kuypers The ISME Journal, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1238–1249. |
Mechanisms of damage to corals exposed to sedimentation Miriam Weber, Dirk de Beer, Christian Lott, Lubos Polerecky, Katharina Kohls, Raeid M. M. Abed, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Katharina E. Fabricius Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, no. 24, pp. E1558–E1567. |
2011 | A cryptic sulfur cycle driven by iron in the methane zone of marine sediment (Aarhus Bay, Denmark) Lars Holmkvist, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bo Barker Jørgensen Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 75, no. 12, pp. 3581–3599. link to paper (00054)
Carbon and sulfur back flux during anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane and coupled sulfate reduction Thomas Holler, Gunter Wegener, Helge Niemann, Christian Deusner, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Antje Boetius, Benjamin Brunner, Friedrich Widdel Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 108, no. 52, pp. E1484–E1490. |
2010 | Oxidative sulfur cycling in the deep biosphere of the Nankai Trough, Japan N. Riedinger, B. Brunner, M. J. Formolo, E. Solomon, S. Kasten, M. Strasser, T. G. Ferdelman Geology, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 851–854. |
Methane at the sediment-water transition in Black Sea sediments N. Riedinger, B. Brunner, Y. -S. Lin, A. Vossmeyer, T. G. Ferdelman, B. B. Jørgensen Chemical Geology, vol. 274, no. 1–2, pp. 29–37. |
Effect of nitrate on sulfur transformations in sulfidogenic sludge of a marine aquaculture biofilter Carsten Ulrich Schwermer, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Peter Stief, Armin Gieseke, Nastaran Rezakhani, Van Rijn, Jaap, De Beer, Dirk, Andreas Schramm FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 476–484. |
Microbial sequestration of phosphorus in anoxic upwelling sediments Tobias Goldhammer, Volker Brüchert, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Matthias Zabel Nature Geoscience, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 557–561. |
Dynamics of zero-valent sulfur species including polysulfides at seep sites on intertidal sand flats (Wadden Sea, North Sea) Alexey, Kamyshny, Timothy G. Ferdelman Marine Chemistry, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 17–26. |
2009 | Carbon mineralization and carbonate preservation in modern cold-water coral reef sediments on the Norwegian shelf L. M. Wehrmann, N. J. Knab, H. Pirlet, V. Unnithan, C. Wild, T. G. Ferdelman Biogeosciences, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 663–680. |
Oxygen penetration deep into the sediment of the South Pacific gyre J. P. Fischer, T. G. Ferdelman, S. D'Hondt, H. Røy, F. Wenzhöfer Biogeosciences, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 1467–1478. |
Subseafloor sedimentary life in the South Pacific Gyre Steven D'Hondt, Arthur J. Spivack, Robert Pockalny, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Jan P. Fischer, Jens Kallmeyer, Lewis J. Abrams, David C. Smith, Dennis Graham, Franciszek Hasiuk, Heather Schrum, Andrea M. Stancin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 28, pp. 11651–11656. |
2006 | Biogeochemical controls on the oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur distributions in the water column of Golfo Dulce: an anoxic basin on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica revisited Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bo Thamdrup, Donald E. Canfield, Ronnie Nohr Glud, Jan Kuever, Rolf Lillebaek, Niels Birger Ramsing, Cathrin Wawer REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 171–191. |
2005 | Prokaryotic cells of the deep sub-seafloor biosphere identified as living bacteria A. Schippers, L. N. Neretin, J. Kallmeyer, T. G. Ferdelman, B. A. Cragg, R. J. Parkes, B. B. Jørgensen Nature, vol. 433, no. 7028, pp. 861–864. |
Deep sub-seafloor prokaryotes stimulated at interfaces over geological time R. John Parkes, Gordon Webster, Barry A. Cragg, Andrew J. Weightman, Carole J. Newberry, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Jens Kallmeyer, Bo B. Jørgensen, Ivano W. Aiello, John C. Fry Nature, vol. 436, no. 7049, pp. 390–394. |
Transport and mineralization rates in North Sea sandy intertidal sediments, Sylt-Romo Basin, Wadden Sea Dirk de Beer, Frank Wenzhöfer, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Susan E. Boehme, Markus Huettel, Justus E. E. van Beusekom, Michael E. Böttcher, Niculina Musat, Nicole Dubilier Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 113–127. |
2004 | Distributions of Microbial Activities in Deep Subseafloor Sediments Steven D'Hondt, Bo Barker Jørgensen, D. Jay Miller, Anja Batzke, Ruth Blake, Barry A. Cragg, Heribert Cypionka, Gerald R. Dickens, Timothy Ferdelman, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Nils G. Holm, Richard Mitterer, Arthur Spivack, Guizhi Wang, Barbara Bekins, Bert Engelen, Kathryn Ford, Glen Gettemy, Scott D. Rutherford, Henrik Sass, C. Gregory Skilbeck, Ivano W. Aiello, Gilles Guarin, Christopher H. House, Fumio Inagaki, Patrick Meister, Thomas Naehr, Sachiko Niitsuma, R. John Parkes, Axel Schippers, David C. Smith, Andreas Teske, Juergen Wiegel, Christian Naranjo Padilla, Juana Luz Solis Acosta Science, vol. 306, no. 5705, pp. 2216–2221. |
2001 | Influence of water column dynamics on sulfide oxidation and other major biogeochemical processes in the chemocline of Mariager Fjord (Denmark) Jakob Zopfi, Timothy G Ferdelman, Bo Barker Jørgensen, Andreas Teske, Bo Thamdrup Marine Chemistry, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 29–51. |
Endosymbiotic sulphate-reducing and sulphide-oxidizing bacteria in an oligochaete worm Nicole Dubilier, Caroline Mülders, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Dirk de Beer, Annelie Pernthaler, Michael Klein, Michael Wagner, Christer Ersaus, Frank Thiermann, Jens Krieger, Olav Giere, Rudolf Amann Nature, vol. 411, no. 6835, pp. 298–302. |
2000 | Sulfate reduction and methane oxidation in continental margin sediments influenced by irrigation (South-East Atlantic off Namibia) Henrik Fossing, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Peter Berg Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 897–910. |
1999 | Sulfate reduction in surface sediments of the southeast Atlantic continental margin between 15°38'S and 27°57'S (Angola and Namibia) Timothy G. Ferdelman, Henrik Fossing, Kirsten Neumann, Horst D. Schulz Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 650–661. |
Dense Populations of a Giant Sulfur Bacterium in Namibian Shelf Sediments H. N. Schulz, T. Brinkhoff, T. G. Ferdelman, Marina Hern¡ndez, A. Teske, B. B. Jørgensen Science, vol. 284, no. 5413, pp. 493–495. |
1997 | Sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in a Thioploca-dominated sediment off the coast of Chile Timothy G. Ferdelman, Cindy Lee, Silvio Pantoja, Jens Harder, Brad M. Bebout, Henrik Fossing Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 61, no. 15, pp. 3065–3079. |
1995 | Biovolatilization of polonium: resulfts from laboartory analysis TN Hussain, TG Ferdelman, TM Church and GW Luther Aquatic Geochemistry, vol. 1, 175-188 |
1993 | Voltammetric characterization of iron (II) sulfide complexes in laboratory solutions and marine waters and porewaters George W. Luther, III, and Timothy G. Ferdelman Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 27, 1554-1563 |
1992 | Large-scale penetration of Gulf Stream water onto the Continental Shelf north of Cape Hatteras Glen Gawarkiewicz, Thomas M. Church, George W. Luther, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Michael Caruso Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 373–376. |
1991 | Sulfur enrichment of humic substances in a Delaware salt marsh sediment core Timothy G. Ferdelman, Thomas M. Church, George W. Luther Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 979–988. |
1990 | Temporal and spatial variability of reduced sulfur species (FeS2, S2O32-) and porewater parameters in salt marsh sediments George W. Luther, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Joel E. Kostka, Elizabeth J. Tsamakis, Thomas M. Church Biogeochemistry, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 57–88. |
Iodine chemistry in the water column of the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence for organic iodine forms George W. Luther, Timothy Ferdelman, Charles H. Culberson, Joel Kostka, Jingfeng Wu Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 267–279. |
1989 | Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land, Antarctica) William J. Green, Thomas J. Gardner, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Michael P. Angle, Lawrence C. Varner, Philip Nixon Hydrobiologia, vol. 172, no. 1, pp. 129–148. |
1988 | Evidence suggesting anaerobic oxidation of the bisulfide ion in Chesapeake Bay George W. Luther, Timothy Ferdelman, Elizabeth Tsamakis Estuaries, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 281–285. |
1984 | Elemental Residence Times in Acton Lake, Ohio Donald E. Canfield, William J. Green, Thomas J. Gardner Timothy G. Ferdelman Arch. Hydrobiologia, vol. 100, pp. 501-519. |
Timothy G Ferdelman Complete List of Scientific Publications