

Biogeochemistry Group

Dr. Wiebke Mohr

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-6300

Dr. Wiebke Mohr



Tschitschko B, Esti M, Phil­ippi M, Kid­ane AT, Littmann S, Kitzinger K, Speth DR, Li S, Kraberg A, Tien­ken D, Marchant HK, Kartal B, Milucka J, Mohr W, Kuypers MMM (2024) Rhizo­bia–di­atom sym­bi­osis fixes miss­ing ni­tro­gen in the ocean. Nature, ht­tps://​​10.1038/​s41586-024-07495-w


von Arx JN, Kid­ane AT, Phil­ippi M, Mohr W, Lavik G, Schorn S, Kuypers MMM, Milucka J (2023) Methyl­phos­phon­ate-driven meth­ane form­a­tion and its link to primary pro­duc­tion in the oli­go­trophic North At­lantic. Nature Communications 14, no. 1: 6529.

Shao, Zhibo, et al. (>75 co-au­thors) (2023) Global oceanic diazo­troph data­base ver­sion 2 and el­ev­ated es­tim­ate of global N2 fix­a­tion. Earth System Science Data 15.8.


Gonza­lez-Nayeck AC, Mohr W, Tang T, Sat­tin S, Par­en­teau MN, Jahnke LL, Pear­son A (2022) Ab­sence of ca­non­ical trophic levels in a mi­cro­bial mat. Geobiology 20: 726-740.


Duer­sch­lag J, Mohr W, Fer­del­man TG, LaRoche J, De­sai D, Croot PL, Voß D, Ziel­in­ski O, Lavik G, Littmann S, Martínez-Pérez C, Tschitschko B, Bartlau N, Os­ter­holz H, Dittmar T, Kuypers MMM (2022) Niche par­ti­tion­ing by pho­to­syn­thetic plank­ton as a driver of CO2 fix­a­tion across the oli­go­trophic South Pa­cific Sub­trop­ical Ocean. The ISME Journal 16, 465-476.


Mohr, W., Lehnen, N., Ah­merkamp, S., Marchant, H.K., Graf, J.S., Tschitschko, B., Yil­maz, P., Littmann, S., Gruber-Vodicka, H., Leisch, N., Schubert,C., Milucka, J., Kuypers, M., (2021). Ter­restrial-type ni­tro­gen-fix­ing sym­bi­osis between seagrass and a mar­ine bac­terium. Nature, 600 (7887), 105-109

Phil­ippi, M., Kitzinger, K., Berg, JS,Tschitschko, B., Kid­ane, AT, Littmann, S. Marchant, HK, Storelli, N., Winkel, LH, Schubert, CJ and Mohr, W., Kuypers MMM (2021).Purple sul­fur bac­teria fix N2 via mo­lyb­denum ni­tro­genase in a low mo­lyb­denum Protero­zoic ocean ana­logue. Nature Com­mu­nic­a­tions, 12 (1), pp.1-12.

Ste­vens, B., et al., (2021). EU­RE­C4A. Earth System Science Data,13(8), pp.4067-4119.


Khar­bush, J., Close, H., van Mooy, B., Arnosti, C., Smit­ten­berg, R., Le Moigne, F., Mol­len­hauer, G., Scholz-Böttcher, B., Obreht, I., Koch, B., Becker, K., Iversen, M.,Mohr, W. 2020. Par­tic­u­late or­ganic car­bon de­con­struc­ted: Mo­lecu­lar and chem­ical com­pos­i­tion of par­tic­u­late or­ganic car­bon in the ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science,7.

White, A.E., Granger, J., Selden, C., Gradoville, M.R., Potts, L., Bour­bon­nais, A., Ful­weiler, R.W., Knapp, A.N., Mohr, W., Mois­ander, P.H. and To­bias, C.R., A crit­ical re­view of the 15N2 tracer method to meas­ure diazo­trophic pro­duc­tion in pela­gic eco­sys­tems. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

Löscher, C., Mohr, W., Bange, H. and Can­field, D.E., 2020. No N2 fix­a­tion in the Bay of Bengal?. Biogeosciences 17, pp.851-864.


Schof­felen NJ, Mohr W, Fer­del­man TG, Duer­sch­lag J, Littmann S, Ploug H, Kuypers MMM (2019) Phos­phate avail­ab­il­ity af­fects fixed ni­tro­gen trans­fer from diazo­trophs to their epi­bionts. The ISME Journal


Eich­ner M, Thoms S, Rost B, Mohr W, Ah­merkamp S, Ploug H, Kuypers MMM, de Beer D (2018) N2 fix­a­tion in free-float­ing fil­a­ments of Trichodesmium is higher than in tran­si­ently sub­oxic colony mi­croen­vir­on­ments. New Phytologist,  DOI:10.1111/​nph.15621.

Schof­felen NJ, Mohr W, Fer­del­man TG, Littmann S, Duer­sch­lag J, Zub­kov MV, Ploug H, Kuypers MMM (2018) Single-cell ima­ging of phos­phorus up­take shows that key harm­ful al­gae rely on dif­fer­ent phos­phorus sources for growth. Scientific  Reports:  DOI:10.1038/​s41598-018-35310-w. 

Martínez‐Pérez C., Mohr W., Schwedt A., Dür­sch­lag J., Call­beck C. M., Schunck H., Dekaezemacker J., Buck­ner C.R.T, Lavik G., Fuchs B.M., Kuypers M. M. (2018). Meta­bolic ver­sat­il­ity of a novel N2‐fix­ing Al­phapro­teo­bac­terium isol­ated from a mar­ine oxy­gen min­imum zone. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/​1462-2920.14008.


Tang T, Mohr W, Sat­tin SR, Ro­gers DR, Gir­guis PR, Pear­son A (2016) Geo­chem­ic­ally dis­tinct car­bon iso­tope dis­tri­bu­tions in Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180T grown pho­toauto­troph­ic­ally and pho­to­het­ero­troph­ic­ally. Geobiology DOI:10.1111/​gbi.12221.

Bris­tow LA, Mohr W, Ah­merkamp S, Kuypers MMM (2017) Nu­tri­ents that limit growth in the ocean. Current Biology DOI: 10.1016/​j.cub.2017.03.030.


Martínez-Pérez C, Mohr W, Loes­cher CR, Dekaezemacker J, Littmann S, Yil­maz P, Lehnen N, Fuchs B, Lavik G, Schm­izt RA, LaRoche J, Kuypers MMM (2016) The small uni­cel­lu­lar diazo­trophic sym­biont, UCYN-A, is a key player in the mar­ine ni­tro­gen cycle. Nature Microbiology, DOI: 10.1038/​NMI­CRO­BIOL.2016.163.

Lehnen N, Marchant HK, Schwedt A, Milucka J, Lott C, Weber M, Dekaezemacker J, Seah BKB, Hach PF, Mohr W, Kuypers MMM (2016) High rates of mi­cro­bial dinitro­gen fix­a­tion and sulfate re­duc­tion as­so­ci­ated with the Medi­ter­ranean seagrass Posidonia oceanicaSystematic and Applied Microbiology, DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2016.08.004. 

Marchant HK, Mohr W, Kuypers MMM (2016) Re­cent ad­vances in mar­ine N-cycle stud­ies us­ing 15N la­beling meth­ods. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 41: 53-59.

Hamilton TL, Bovee RJ, Sat­tin SR, Mohr W, Gil­hooly III WP, Ly­ons TW, Pear­son A, Macalady JL (2016) Car­bon and Sul­fur Cyc­ling be­low the Chemo­cline in a Meromictic Lake and the Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of a Novel Taxo­nomic Lin­eage in the FCB Su­per­phylum, Candidatus Ae­giribac­teria. Frontiers in Microbiology, DOI: 10.3389/​fm­icb.2016.00598.


Kla­wonn I, Lavik G, Boen­ing P, Marchant H, Dekaezemacker J, Mohr W, Ploug H (2015) Simple ap­proach for the pre­par­a­tion of 15-15N2-en­riched wa­ter for ni­tro­gen fix­a­tion as­sess­ments: Eval­u­ation, ap­plic­a­tion and re­com­mend­a­tions. Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 769. DOI: 10.3389/​fm­icb.2015.00769.


Krupke A, Mohr W, LaRoche J, Fuchs BM, Amann RI, Kuypers MMM (2014). The ef­fect of nu­tri­ents on car­bon and ni­tro­gen fix­a­tion by the UCYN-A-hapto­phyte sym­bi­osis. The ISME Journal DOI:10.1038/​is­mej.2014.253.

Mohr W, Tang T, Sat­tin SR, Bovee RJ, Pear­son A (2014) Pro­tein stable iso­tope fin­ger­print­ing: Mul­ti­di­men­sional pro­tein chro­ma­to­graphy coupled to stable iso­tope-ra­tio mass spec­tro­metry. Analytical Chemistry 86: 8514-8520. DOI: 10.1021/​ac502494b.

Hamilton TL, Bovee RJ, Thiel V, Sat­tin SR, Mohr W, Schaper­doth I, Vogl K, Gil­hooly III WP, Ly­ons TW, Tom­sho LP, Schuster SC, Over­mann J, Bry­ant DA, Pear­son A, Macalady JL (2014) Coupled re­duct­ive and ox­id­at­ive sul­fur cyc­ling in the pho­to­trophic plate of a meromictic lake. Geobiology 12: 451-468. DOI: 10.1111/​gbi.12092.


Mohr W, Vag­ner T, Kuypers MMM, Ack­er­mann M, LaRoche J (2013) Res­ol­u­tion of con­flict­ing sig­nals at the single-cell level in the reg­u­la­tion of cy­anobac­terial pho­to­syn­thesis and ni­tro­gen fix­a­tion. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66060. DOI: 10.1371/​journal.pone.0066060.

Krupke A, Musat N, LaRoche J, Mohr W, Fuchs BM, Amann RI, Kuypers MMM, Foster R (2013) In situ iden­ti­fic­a­tion and N2 and C fix­a­tion rates of un­cul­tiv­ated cy­anobac­teria pop­u­la­tions. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 36(4): 259-271.


Großkopf T*, Mohr W* , Baus­tian T, Schunck H, Gill D, Kuypers MMM, Lavik G, Schmitz RA, Wal­lace DWR, LaRoche J (2012) Doub­ling of mar­ine N2 fix­a­tion rates based on dir­ect meas­ure­ments. Nature 488: 361-364. *Equal first au­thor con­tri­bu­tion.


Mohr W, Großkopf T, Wal­lace DWR and LaRoche J (2010) Meth­od­o­lo­gical un­der­es­tim­a­tion of oceanic ni­tro­gen fix­a­tion rates. PLoS One 5(9): e12583. DOI 10.1371/​journal.pone.0012583.

Mohr W, In­ter­mag­gio MP and LaRoche J (2010) Diel rhythm of ni­tro­gen and car­bon meta­bol­ism in the uni­cel­lu­lar diazo­trophic cy­anobac­terium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501. Environmental Microbiology 12: 412-421.


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