MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen
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2023 |
Bourceau, O. M., T. Ferdelman, G. Lavik, M. Mussmann, M. M. M. Kuypers, and H. K. Marchant. 2023. Simultaneous Sulfate and Nitrate Reduction in Coastal Sediments. ISME Communications 3 (1): 1–10. |
Massmann G, Abarike G, Amoako K, Auer F, Badewien TH, Berkenbrink C, Böttcher ME, Brick S, Medina Cordova IV, Cueto J, Dittmar T, Engelen B, Freund H, Greskowiak J, Günther T, Herbst G, Holtappels M, Marchant HK, Meyer R, Müller-Petke M, Niggemann J, Pahnke K, Pommerin D, Post V, Reckhardt A, Roberts M, Schwalfenberg K, Seibert SL, Siebert C, Skibbe N, Waska H, Winter C, Zielinski O. (2023) The DynaDeep observatory – a unique approach to study high-energy subterranean estuaries. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10; 2023. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1189281 |
Pratihary A, Lavik G, Naqvi S.W.A, Shirodkar G, Sarkar A, Marchant H.K., Ohde T, Shenoy D, Kurian S, Uskaikar H, Kuypers M.M.M (2023) Chemolithoautotrophic denitrification intensifies nitrogen loss in the Eastern Arabian Sea Shelf waters during sulphidic events. Progress in Oceanography, |
2021 | Mohr, W., Lehnen, N., Ahmerkamp, S., Marchant, H.K., Graf, J.S., Tschitschko, B., Yilmaz, P., Littmann, S., Gruber-Vodicka, H., Leisch, N., Schubert,C., Milucka, J., Kuypers, M., (2021). Terrestrial-type nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between seagrass and a marine bacterium. Nature, 600 (7887), 105-109. |
Philippi, M., Kitzinger, K., Berg, JS,Tschitschko, B., Kidane, AT, Littmann, S., Marchant, HK, Storelli, N., Winkel, LH, Schubert, CJ and Mohr, W., Kuypers MMM (2021).Purple sulfur bacteria fix N2 via molybdenum nitrogenase in a low molybdenum Proterozoic ocean analogue. Nature Communications, 12 (1), pp.1-12. | |
Karthauser, C., Ahmerkamp, S., Marchant, HK, Bristow LAB, Hauss, H., Iversen, MH, Kiko, R., Maerz, J., Lavik, G., Kuypers, MMM.(2021) Small sinking particles control anammox rates in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone.Nature Communications 12 ,3235. | |
Schutte, CA, Huanca-Valenzuela, P., Lavik, G., Marchant, HKand de Beer, D., 2021. Advection drives nitrate past the microphytobenthos in intertidal sands, fueling deeper denitrification.Frontiers in Microbiology,12. | |
Delgado Vela, J., Bristow, LA., Marchant, HK ., Love, NG. and Dick, GJ. (2021), Sulfide alters microbial functional potential in a methane and nitrogen cycling biofilm reactor. Environ Microbiol. | |
2020 | Merz, E., Dick, GJ., De Beer, D., Grim, S., Hübener, T., Littmann, S., Olsen, K., Stuart, D., Lavik, G., Marchant, HK . and Klatt, JM. (2020), Nitrate respiration and diel migration patterns of diatoms are linked in sediments underneath a microbial mat. Environ Microbiol. |
Wilson, ST., Al-Haj, AN., Bourbonnais, A., Frey, C., Fulweiler, RW., Kessler, JD., Marchant, HK ., Milucka, J., Ray, NE., Suntharalingam, P. ., Thornton, BF., Upstill-Goddard, RC., Weber, TS., Arévalo-Martínez, DL., Bange, HW., Benway, HM., Bianchi, D., Borges, AV., Chang, BX. , Crill, PM., Del Valle, DA., Farías, L., Joye, SB., Kock, A., Labidi, J., Manning, CC., Pohlman, JW., Rehder, G., Sparrow, KJ ., Tortell, PD., Treude, T., Valentine, DL., Ward, BB., Yang, S., Yurganov, LN., (2020) “ Ideas and perspectives: A strategic assessment of methane and nitrous oxide measurements in the marine environment "Biogeosciences , 17, (22) , 5809-5828. | |
Hach, PF, Marchant, HK ., Krupke, A. et al. " Rapid microbial diversification of dissolved organic matter in oceanic surface waters leads to carbon sequestration". Scientific Reports 10, 13025 (2020). | |
Song, G., Liu, S., Zhang, J., Zhu, Z., Zhang, G., Marchant, HK ., Kuypers, MM. And Lavik, G., 2020. Response of benthic nitrogen cycling to estuarine hypoxia . Limnology and Oceanography. | |
Kitzinger, K., HK Marchant*, LA. Bristow, C. W. Herbold, C. C. Padilla, A. T. Kidane, S. Littmann, H. Daims, P. Pjevac, F.J. Turner, M. Wagner, M.M.M. Kuypers (2020). Single cell analyses reveal contrasting life strategies of the two main nitrifiers in the ocean. Nature Communications 11, 767 |
Ahmerkamp, S., HK. Marchant, C. Peng, D. Probandt, S. Littman, M.M.M Kuypers, M. Holtappels (2020). The effect of sediment grain properties and porewater flow on microbial abundance and respiration in permeable sediments. Scientific Reports 10, 3573 |
Ahrens, J., M. Beck, HK. Marchant, S. Ahmerkamp, B. Schnetger, H.J. Brumsack (2020). Seasonality |
2019 | Waska H., J. Greskowiak, J. Ahrens, M. Beck, S. Ahmerkamp, P. Böning, HJ Brumsack, J. Degenhardt, C. Ehlert, B. Engelen, N. Grünenbaum, M. Holtappels, K. Pahnke , HK Marchant , G. Massmann, D. Meier, B. Schnetger, K. Schwalfenberg, H. Simon, V. Vandieken, O. Zielinski, T. Dittmar (2019) "Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter -Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach " Frontiers in Marine Science 6 , 154 |
Kitzinger, K., CC Padilla, HK Marchant * , PF Hach, CW Herbold, AT Kidane, M. Könneke, S. Littmann, M. Mooshammer and J. Niggemann (2019). "Cyanate and urea are substrates for nitrification by Thaumarchaeota in the marine environment." Nature microbiology 4 (2): 234. doi: |
Braeckman, U., F. Pasotti, S. Vázquez, K. Zacher, R. Hoffmann, M. Elvert, HK Marchant , C. Buckner, M. Quartino and W. Mác Cormack (2019). "Degradation of macroalgal detritus in shallow coastal Antarctic sediments." Limnology and oceanography . doi: |
Olofsson, M., O. Kourtchenko, EM Zetsche, HK Marchant , MJ Whitehouse, A. Godhe and H. Ploug (2019). "High single-cell diversity in carbon and nitrogen assimilations by a chain-forming diatom across a century." Environmental microbiology 21 (1): 142-151. doi: |
2018 |
Braeckman, U., F. Janssen, G. Lavik, M. Elvert, HK Marchant , C. Buckner, C. Bienhold and F. Wenzhöfer (2018). "Carbon and nitrogen turnover in the Arctic deep sea: in situ benthic community response to diatom and coccolithophorid phytodetritus." Biogeosciences 15 (21): 6537-6557. doi: |
Graf, JS, MJ Mayr, HK Marchant , D. Tienken, PF Hach, A. Brand, CJ Schubert, MM Kuypers and J. Milucka (2018). "Bloom of a denitrifying methanotroph, 'Candidatus Methylomirabilis limnetica', in a deep stratified lake." Environmental microbiology 20 (7): 2598-2614. doi: |
Kuypers, MM, HK Marchant and B. Kartal (2018). "The microbial nitrogen-cycling network." Nature Reviews Microbiology 16 (5): 263. doi: |
Marchant, H. K*., H. E. Tegetmeyer, S. Ahmerkamp, M. Holtappels, G. Lavik, J. Graf, F. Schreiber, M. Mussmann, M. Strous and M. M. Kuypers (2018). "Metabolic specialization of denitrifiers in permeable sediments controls N2O emissions." Environmental microbiology 20(12): 4486-4502. |
2017 |
Marchant, H. K*., S. Ahmerkamp, G. Lavik, H. E. Tegetmeyer, J. Graf, J. M. Klatt, M. Holtappels, E. Walpersdorf and M. M. Kuypers (2017). "Denitrifying community in coastal sediments performs aerobic and anaerobic respiration simultaneously." The ISME journal 11(8): 1799. |
2016 |
Lehnen, N., H. K. Marchant, A. Schwedt, J. Milucka, C. Lott, M. Weber, J. Dekaezemacker, B. K. Seah, P. F. Hach and W. Mohr (2016). "High rates of microbial dinitrogen fixation and sulfate reduction associated with the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica." Systematic and applied microbiology 39(7): 476-483. |
Marchant, H. K.*, M. Holtappels, G. Lavik, S. Ahmerkamp, C. Winter and M. M. Kuypers (2016). "Coupled nitrification–denitrification leads to extensive N loss in subtidal permeable sediments." Limnology and Oceanography 61(3): 1033-1048. doi: |
Marchant, H. K.*, W. Mohr and M. M. Kuypers (2016). "Recent advances in marine N-cycle studies using 15N labeling methods." Current opinion in biotechnology 41: 53-59. |
2015 |
Klawonn, I., G. Lavik, P. Böning, H.K. Marchant, J. Dekaezemacker, W. Mohr and H. Ploug (2015). "Simple approach for the preparation of 15− 15N2-enriched water for nitrogen fixation assessments: evaluation, application and recommendations." Frontiers in microbiology 6: 769. doi: |
2014 |
Bonaglia, S., B. Deutsch, M. Bartoli, HK Marchant and V. Brüchert (2014). "Seasonal oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus benthic cycling along an impacted Baltic Sea estuary: regulation and spatial patterns." Biogeochemistry 119 (1-3): 139-160. doi: |
Marchant, HK * , G. Lavik, M. Holtappels and MM Kuypers (2014). "The fate of nitrate in intertidal permeable sediments." PloS one 9 (8): e104517. |
2013 |
Song, G., S. Liu, HK Marchant , M. Kuypers and G. Lavik (2013). "Anammox, denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in the East China Sea sediment." Biogeosciences 10 (11): 6851-6864. |
2010 |
Marchant, HK , P. Calosi and JI Spicer (2010). "Short-term exposure to hypercapnia does not compromise feeding, acid-base balance or respiration of Patella vulgata but surprisingly is accompanied by radula damage." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90 (7): 1379-1384. |
2008 |
Munn, CB, HK Marchant and AJ Moody (2008). "Defenses against oxidative stress in vibrios associated with corals." FEMS microbiology letters 281 (1): 58-63. |