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MGG Mini Work­shop on Ge­n­om­ics

MGG Mini Work­shop on the Ana­lysis of En­vir­on­ment­ally rel­ev­ant Mi­croor­gan­isms and Com­par­at­ive Ge­n­om­ics

The se­quen­cing of gen­omes and meta­gen­omes has today be­come a stand­ard tech­nique in mo­lecu­lar bio­logy. Nearly un­lim­ited se­quen­cing ca­pa­cit­ies ex­ist world­wide provided on de­mand by e.g. the Joint Gen­ome In­sti­tute, the Craig Venter In­sti­tute or Gen­o­scope. After ob­tain­ing the se­quences of an or­gan­ism or com­munity of in­terest for most in­vest­ig­at­ors, without strong bioin­form­at­ics back­ground, a ques­tion arises: "What should I do with it now?". The ana­lysis of thou­sand of genes and the com­par­ison of the con­tent with pub­lished in­form­a­tion is far from be­ing trivial and re­quires, be­sides the "Know-How", a huge amount of com­pu­ta­tional power.
This situ­ation is sim­ilar to what we fo­cussed at MPI around 7 years ago when we got our first seven mil­lion AGCTs for the Planc­to­my­cete Rhodopirellula balt­ica se­quenced. No "turn-key" soft­ware sys­tems was avail­able that helped us to an­swer our bio­lo­gical ques­tions. So, we de­cided to build up a gen­ome ana­lysis in­fra­struc­ture and de­velop soft­ware solu­tions to in­vest­ig­ate gen­ome and meta­gen­ome data es­pe­cially from en­vir­on­ment­ally rel­ev­ant mi­croor­gan­isms and to com­pare the data with pub­licly avail­able in­form­a­tion.

With this mini-work­shop we want to share our ac­cu­mu­lated know­ledge about gene-pre­dic­tion, an­nota­tion and com­par­at­ive ge­n­om­ics and pay re­spect to sev­eral re­quests by re­search­ers that had asked us how they could ana­lyse their re­cently ob­tained se­quence in­form­a­tion from their "hobby-horses".


The work­shop will fo­cus on:

* ORF-Pre­dic­tion (Frank Oliver Glöck­ner)
* Auto-an­nota­tion of gen­omes (MicH­anThi) (Chris­tian Quast)
* An­nota­tion­sys­tems (GenDB) (Thi­erry Lom­bardot)
* Com­par­at­ive ge­n­om­ics (jCOAST) and con­tex­tual in­form­a­tion (gen­omesDB) (Mi­chael Richter)
* Use-cases from ac­tual pro­jects: Com­par­at­ive ge­n­om­ics of Planc­to­my­cetes and Bac­teroid­etes (Ivaylo Kostadinov)


When: March 13, 2007
Time: 11:00 to ap­prox­im­ate 17:00 h
Loc­a­tion: Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy in Bre­men, Sem­inar­room 4021 and PC-lab

How to reach the institute

Con­tact: eu-work­shops(at)mpi-bre­

If you are in­ter­ested in par­ti­cip­at­ing, please send an e-mail to eu-work­shops(at)mpi-bre­ un­til the first of March.

Additional information

The Microbial Genomics Group (MGG)
Colon­ies of Rhodopirellula baltica
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