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Pub­lic­a­tions 2000 - 2004



Det­mers, J., Strauss, H., Schulte, U., Bergmann, A., Knit­tel, K., Kuever, J.: FISH shows that Des­ulfo­tom­acu­lum spp. are the dom­in­at­ing sulfate-re­du­cing bac­teria in a pristine aquifer. Mi­cro­bial Eco­logy, 47:236-242 (2004).

Dinh, H.T., Kuever, J., Muß­mann, M., Has­sel, A. W., Strat­mann, M., Wid­del, F.: Iron cor­ro­sion by novel an­aer­obic mi­croor­gan­isms. Nature 427:829-832 (2004).

Gade, D., H. Schles­ner, F. O. Glöck­ner, R. Amann, S. Pfeif­fer, and M. Thomm: Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of planc­to­my­cetes with or­der-, genus- and strain-spe­cific 16S rRNA-tar­geted probes. Mi­cro­bi­o­logy Eco­logy 47:243-251 (2004).

Grün­berg, K., E. C. Müller, A. Otto, R. Reszka, D. Linder, M. Kube, R. Re­in­hardt, and D. Schüler: Bio­chem­ical and pro­teo­mic ana­lysis of the mag­neto­some mem­brane in Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. Appl. Eviron. Mi­cro­biol. 70(2):1040-1050 (2004).

Hai T, Lange D, Rabus R, Stein­büchel A: Poly­hy­droxyalkanoate (PHA) ac­cu­mu­la­tion in sulfate-re­du­cing bac­teria and iden­ti­fic­a­tion of a class-III PHA syn­thase (PhaEC) in Des­ul­fo­coc­cus mul­tivor­ans. Appl En­viron Mi­cro­biol 70(8):4440-4448 (2004).

Handrick, R., S. Re­in­hardt, D. Schul­the­iss, T. Reichart, D. Schüler, V. Jendrossek, and D. Jendrossek: Un­rav­el­ing the func­tion of the Rhodos­pir­il­lum rub­rum ac­tiv­ator of poly­hy­droxy­bu­tyr­ate (PHB) de­grad­a­tion: the ac­tiv­ator is a PHB-gran­ule-bound pro­tein (phasin). J. Bac­teriol. 186(8):2466-75 (2004).

Hoell, A., A. Wieden­mann, U. Heyen, and D. Schüler: Nano­struc­ture and field-in­duced ar­range­ment of mag­neto­somes stud­ied by SANSPOL. Phys­ica B 350:e309-e313 (2004).

Hufn­a­gel P, Sch­wei­ger-Hufn­a­gel U, Behrens M, Macht M, Baess­mann C, Suckau D, Schüren­berg M, Rabus R: Bak­terium mit vorhergesagten ORFs – eine Heraus­for­der­ung für die Pro­teo­man­a­lytik. Labor­welt 5(4):31-34 (2004).

Kube M, Heider J, Amann J, Hufn­a­gel P, Küh­ner S, Beck A, Re­in­hardt R, Rabus R: Genes in­volved in the an­aer­obic de­grad­a­tion of tolu­ene in a de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­terium, strain EbN1. Arch Mi­cro­biol 181:182-194 (2004).

Musat, F., Wie­land, A., Wid­del, F.: Mar­ine sed­i­ment with sur­face con­tam­in­a­tion by oil in mi­cro­cosms for mi­cro­bi­o­lo­gical stud­ies. Ophelia 58 (3):217-222 (2004).

Rabus, R., Ruepp A., Frickey T., Rat­tei T., Fart­mann B., Stark M., bauer M., Zibat A., Lom­bardot T., Becker I., Amann J., Gell­ner K., Reel­ing H., Leuschner W.D., Glöck­ner F.-O., Lu­pas A.N., Amann R., Klenk H.-P.: The gen­ome of Des­ulfotalea psychro­phila, a sulphat-re­du­cing bac­terium from per­man­ently cold Arc­tic sed­i­ments. En­vi­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy, 6(9):887-902 (2004).

Rehm, B., and D. Schüler: Klein–Kleiner–Am Klein­sten: Nan­o­bi­o­tech­no­lo­gie, eine Schlüs­sel­tech­no­lo­gie des 21. Jahrhun­derts, pp.56-61, In: Bi­o­tech­no­lo­gie 2020. DE­CHEMA, Frank­furt (2004).

Schles­ner H, Rens­mann C, Tin­dall B J, Gade D, Rabus R, Pfeif­fer S, Hirsch P: Taxo­nomic het­ero­gen­eity within the Planc­to­my­cetales as de­rived by DNA-DNA hy­brid­iz­a­tion, de­scrip­tion of Rhodopirellula balt­ica gen. nov., sp. nov. and trans­fer of Pirellula mar­ina to the genus Blastopirellula gen. nov. as Blastopirellula mar­ina comb. nov. and emen­ded de­scrip­tion of the genus Pirellula. Int J Syst Evol Mi­cro­biol 54:1567-1580 (2004).

Schüler, D.: Chapter 4. Bio­chem­ical and ge­netic ana­lysis of the mag­neto­some mem­brane in Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. pp.61-73, In Bio­m­in­er­al­iz­a­tion. 2nd ed., E. Bäuer­lein (ed.), Wiley-VCH, Wein­heim, Ger­many (2004).

Schüler, D.: Mak­ing mag­nets by bac­teria: The bio­m­in­er­al­iz­a­tion of mag­netic nan­o­particles. pp. 11-15, In: Lec­tures on Nano­scale mag­netic ma­ter­i­als, I. Nedkov and P. Tail­hades (eds.), Heron Press Ltd. (2004).

Schüler, D.: Mo­lecu­lar ana­lysis of a sub­cel­lu­lar com­part­ment: The mag­neto­some mem­brane in Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. Arch. Mi­cro­biol. 181:1-7 (2004).

Sch­wei­ger-Hufn­a­gel U, Behrens M, Jür­gens M, Baess­mann C, Suckau D, Rabus R: Neues Werkzeug für die de-novo Se­quen­zier­ung von Pro­teinen. Biospek­trum Son­deraus­gabe 10. Jahr­gang, 566-567 (2004).

Wid­del, F., Boe­t­ius, A., Rabus, R.: An­aer­obic bio­de­grad­a­tion of hy­dro­car­bons in­clud­ing meth­ane. In The Proka­ryotes, elec­tronic edi­tion. Dwor­kin, M., Falkow, S., Rosen­berg, E., Schleifer, K.-H., Stack­ebrandt, E. (eds), Springer, New York (2004).

Zhilina, T.N., Ap­pel, R., Pro­bian, C., Llobet Brossa, E., Harder, J., Wid­del, F., Za­v­ar­zin, G.A.: Al­kaliflexus im­shen­et­skii gen. nov. sp. nov., a new al­ka­li­philic glid­ing car­bo­hydrate-fer­ment­ing bac­terium with pro­pi­on­ate form­a­tion from a soda lake. Arch. Mi­cro­biol. 182: 244-253 (2004).


Gade, D., J. Thi­er­mann, D. Markowsky and R. Rabus: Eval­u­ation of two-di­men­sional dif­fer­ence gel elec­tro­phoresis for pro­tein pro­fil­ing. Journal of Mo­lecu­lar Mi­cro­bi­o­logy and Bi­o­tech­no­logy 5:240-251 (2003).

Glöck­ner F. O., M. Kube, M. Bauer, H. Teel­ing, T. Lom­bardot, W. Lud­wig, D. Gade, A. Beck, K. Borzym, K. Heit­mann, R. Rabus, H. Schles­ner, R. Amann and R. Re­in­hardt: Com­plete gen­ome se­quence of the mar­ine planc­to­my­cete Pirellula sp. strain 1. PNAS 100(14):8298-8303 (2003).

Have­mann, S.A., V. Brunelle, J.K. Voor­douw, G. Voor­douw, J.F. Heidel­berg and R. Rabus: Gene ex­pres­sion ana­lysis of en­ergy meta­bol­ism mutants of Des­ulfo­vi­brio vul­garis Hilden­bor­ough in­dic­ates an im­port­ant role for al­co­hol de­hyd­ro­genase. Journal of Bac­teri­ology 185(15):4345-4353 (2003).

Herborn C. U., N. Papan­ikolaou, R. Reszka, K. Grün­berg, D. Schüler and J. F. De­batin: Mag­neto­so­men als bio­lo­gisches Mod­ell der Eis­en­bindung: Mes­sung der Re­lax­iv­ität in der MRT. Forts­chr. Rönt­gen­str. 175(6):830-834 (2003).

Heyen, U. and D. Schüler: Growth and mag­neto­some form­a­tion by mi­croaero­philic Mag­neto­spir­il­lum strains in an oxy­gen-con­trolled fer­mentor. Ap­plied Mi­cro­bi­o­logy and Bi­o­tech­no­logy 61:536-544 (2003).

Kniemeyer, O., T. Fisc­her, H. Wilkes, F.O. Glöck­ner and F. Wid­del: An­aer­obic de­grad­a­tion of ethyl­ben­zene by a new type of mar­ine sulfate-re­du­cing bac­terium. Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 69(2):760-768 (2003).
Kön­neke, M. and F. Wid­del: Ef­fect of growth tem­per­at­ure on cel­lu­lar fatty acids in sulph­ate-re­du­cing bac­teria. En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 5(11):1064-1070. (2003).

Krüger, M. and P. Fren­zel: Ef­fects of N-fer­til­iz­a­tion on CH4 ox­id­a­tion and pro­duc­tion, and con­sequences for CH4 emis­sions from mi­cro­cosms and rice fields. Global Change Bio­logy 9:773-784 (2003).

Krüger, M., A. Meyerdierks, F.O. Glöck­ner, R. Amann, F. Wid­del, M. Kube, R. Re­in­hardt, J. Kahnt, R. Böcher, R.K. Thauer and S. Shima: A con­spicu­ous nickel pro­tein in mi­cro­bial mats that ox­id­ize meth­ane an­aer­obic­ally. Nature 426:878-881 (2003).

Pro­bian, C., A. Wülf­ing and J. Harder: An­aer­obic min­er­al­iz­a­tion of qua­tern­ary car­bon atoms: isol­a­tion of de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­teria on Pivalic Acid (2,2-Di­methyl­pro­pionic Acid). Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 69(3):1866-1870 (2003).

Schübbe, S., M. Kube, A. Schef­fel, C. Wawer, U. Heyen, A. Meyerdierks, M. Madkour, F. Mayer, R. Re­in­hardt and D. Schüler: Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of a spon­tan­eous non­mag­netic mutant of Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense re­veals a large de­le­tion com­pris­ing a pu­tat­ive mag­neto­some is­land. Journal of Bac­teri­ology 185(19):5779-5790 (2003).

Schul­the­iss, D. and D. Schüler: De­vel­op­ment of a ge­netic sys­tem for Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 179:89-94 (2003).

Tan, Z., T. Hurek, B. Re­in­hold-Hurek: Brief Re­port. Ef­fect of N-fer­til­iz­a­tion, plant gen­o­type and en­vir­on­mental con­di­tions on nifH gene pools in roots of rice. En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 5(10):1009-1015 (2003).

Wilkes, H., S. Küh­ner, C. Bolm, T. Fisc­her, A. Classen, F. Wid­del and R. Rabus: Form­a­tion of n-al­kane- and cyc­loalkane-de­rived or­ganic acids dur­ing an­aer­obic growth of a de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­terium with crude oil. Or­ganic Geo­chem­istry 34: 1313-1323 (2003).


Hurek, T., L. L. Hand­ley, B. Re­in­hold-Hurek and Y. Piché: Azoar­cus grass en­do­phytes con­trib­ute fixed ni­tro­gen to the plant in an un­cul­tur­able state. Mo­lecu­lar Plant-Mi­crobe In­ter­ac­tions 15(3):233-242 (2002).

Krüger, M., G. Eller, R. Con­rad, and P. Fren­zel: Sea­sonal vari­ation in path­ways of CH4 pro­duc­tion and in CH4 ox­id­a­tion in rice fields de­term­ined by stable car­bon iso­topes and spe­cific in­hib­it­ors. Global Change Bio­logy 8:265-280 (2002).

Kuever, J., S. M. Siev­ert, H. Stevens, T. Brink­hoff and G. Muyzer: Mi­croor­gan­isms of the ox­id­at­ive and re­duct­ive part of the sul­phur cycle at a shal­low-wa­ter hy­dro­thermal vent in the Ae­gean Sea (Mi­los, Greece). Cahiers de Bio­lo­gie Mar­ine 43:413-416 (2002).

Nauhaus, K., A. Boe­t­ius, M. Krüger, and F. Wid­del: In vitro demon­stra­tion of an­aer­obic ox­id­a­tion of meth­ane coupled to sulph­ate re­duc­tion in sed­i­ment from a mar­ine gashy­drate area. En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 4(5):296-305 (2002).

Po­horelic, B. K. J., J. K. Voor­douw, E. Lo­jou, A. Dolla, J. Harder and G. Voor­douw: Ef­fects of de­le­tion of genes en­cod­ing Fe-only hy­dro­genase of Des­ulfo­vi­brio vul­garis Hilden­bor­ough on hy­dro­gen and lact­ate meta­bol­ism. Journal of Bac­teri­ology 184(3):679-686 (2002).

Rabus, R., V. Brüch­ert, J. Amann and M. Kön­neke: Physiolo­gical re­sponse to tem­per­at­ure changes of the mar­ine, sulfate-re­du­cing bac­terium Des­ulfobac­terium auto­trophicum. FEMS Mi­cro­bi­o­logy Eco­logy 42, 409-417 (2002).

Rabus, R., D. Gade, R. Hel­big, M. Bauer, F. O. Glöck­ner, M. Kube, H. Schles­ner, R. Re­in­hardt and R. Amann: Ana­lysis of N-acet­yl­gluc­osa­m­ine meta­bol­ism in the mar­ine bac­terium Pirellula sp. strain 1 by a pro­teo­mic ap­proach. Pro­teo­m­ics 2:649-655 (2002).

Rabus, R., M. Kube, A. Beck, F. Wid­del and R. Re­in­hardt: Genes in­volved in the an­aer­obic de­grad­a­tion of ethyl­ben­zene in a de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­terium, strain EbN1. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 178:506-516 (2002).

Rees, G. N., C. G. Har­foot, P. H. Janssen, L. Schoen­born, J. Kuever and H. Lüns­dorf: Thiobaca trueperi gen. nov., sp nov., a pho­to­trophic purple sul­fur bac­terium isol­ated from fresh­wa­ter lake sed­i­ment. In­ter­na­tional Journal of Sys­tem­atic and Evol­u­tion­ary Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 52:671-678 (2002).

Schüler, D.: The bio­m­in­er­al­iz­a­tion of mag­neto­somes in Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. In­ter­na­tional Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 5:209-214 (2002).

Voor­douw, G.: Car­bon monox­ide cyc­ling by Des­ulfo­vi­brio vul­garis Hilden­bor­ough. Journal of Bac­teri­ology 184(21):5903-5911 (2002).

Wid­del, F.: Mik­roor­gan­is­men des Meeres - Kata­lys­atoren glob­aler Stoffkre­is­läufe. In: Rundge­spräche der Kom­mis­sion für Öko­lo­gie, Bd. 31. pp.67-82, Bay­erische Akademie der Wis­senschaften, Ver­lag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München (2002).

Wilkes, H., R. Rabus, T. Fisc­her, A. Arm­stroff, A. Behrends, and F. Wid­del: An­aer­obic de­grad­a­tion of n-hex­ane in a de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­terium: Fur­ther de­grad­a­tion of the ini­tial in­ter­me­di­ate (1-methyl­pentyl)suc­cin­ate via C-skel­eton re­arrange­ment. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 177:235-243 (2002).


Det­mers, J., V. Brüch­ert, K. Habicht and J. Kuever: Di­versity of sul­fur iso­tope frac­tion­a­tions by sulfate-re­du­cing proka­ryotes. Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 67(2):888-894 (2001).

Grün­berg, K., C. Wawer, B.M. Tebo and D. Schüler: A large gene cluster en­cod­ing sev­eral mag­neto­some pro­teins is con­served in dif­fer­ent spe­cies of mag­netotactic bac­teria. Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 67(19):4573-4582 (2001).

Kniemeyer, O. and J. Heider: Ethyl­ben­zene de­hyd­ro­genase, a novel hy­dro­car­bon-ox­id­iz­ing mo­lyb­denum/​iron-sul­fur/​heme en­zyme. Journal of Bio­lo­gical Chem­istry 276(24):21381-21386 (2001).

Kniemeyer, O. and J. Heider: (S)-1-Phenyleth­anol de­hyd­ro­genase of Azoar­cus sp. strain EbN1, an en­zyme of an­aer­obic ethyl­ben­zene cata­bol­ism. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 176:129-135 (2001).

Kuever, J., M. Kön­neke, A. Galushko and O. Drzyzga: Re­clas­si­fic­a­tion of Des­ulfobac­terium phen­olicum as Des­ulfobacula phen­olica comb. nov. and de­scrip­tion of strain SaxT as Des­ulfotignum balticum gen. nov., sp. nov. In­ter­na­tional Journal of Sys­tem­atic and Evol­u­tion­ary Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 51:171-177 (2001).

Rabus, R., H. Wilkes, A. Behrends, A. Arm­stroff, T. Fisc­her, A.J. Pierik and F. Wid­del.: An­aer­obic ini­tial re­ac­tion of n-al­kanes in a de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­terium: evid­ence for (1-methyl­pentyl)suc­cin­ate as ini­tial product and for in­volve­ment of an or­ganic rad­ical in n-hex­ane meta­bol­ism. Journal of Bac­teri­ology 183(5):1707-1715 (2001).

Surkov, A.V., G.A. Du­bin­ina, A.M. Lysenko, F.O. Glöck­ner and J. Kuever: De­thiosulfo­vi­brio rus­sen­sis sp. nov., De­thiosulfo­vi­brio marinus sp. nov. and De­thiosulfo­vi­brio acid­amino­vor­ans sp. nov., novel an­aer­obic, thiosulfate- and sul­fur-re­du­cing bac­teria isol­ated from 'Thi­o­den­dron' sul­fur mats in dif­fer­ent sa­line en­vir­on­ments. In­ter­na­tional Journal of Sys­tem­atic and Evol­u­tion­ary Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 51:327-337 (2001).

Wid­del, F. and R. Rabus: An­aer­obic bio­de­grad­a­tion of sat­ur­ated and aro­matic hy­drcar­bons. Cur­rent Opin­ion in Bi­o­tech­no­logy 12:259-276 (2001).


Amann, R., R. Ros­selló-Mora and D. Schüler: Chapter 4. Phylo­geny and in situ iden­ti­fic­a­tion of mag­netotactic bac­teria. In: Bio­m­in­er­al­iz­a­tion of nano- and mi­cro­struc­tures. pp.47-60, E. Bäuer­lein (ed.). Wiley-VCH, Wein­heim (2000).

Bazyl­in­ski, D. A., A.J. Dean, D. Schüler, E. J.P. Phil­lips and D. R. Lov­ley: N2-de­pend­ent growth and ni­tro­genase activ­ity in the metal-meta­bol­iz­ing bac­teria, Geo­bac­ter metal­lire­du­cens and Mag­neto­spir­il­lum spe­cies. En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 2(3):266-273 (2000).

Ehren­reich, P., A. Behrends, J. Harder and F. Wid­del: An­aer­obic ox­id­a­tion of al­kanes by newly isol­ated de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­teria. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 173:58-64 (2000).

Harder, J., U. Heyen, C. Pro­bian and S. Foß: An­aer­obic util­iz­a­tion of es­sen­tial oils by de­ni­tri­fy­ing bac­teria. Bio­de­grad­a­tion 11:55-63 (2000).

Heyen, U. and J. Harder: Ger­anic acid form­a­tion, an ini­tial re­ac­tion of an­aer­obic monoter­pene meta­bol­ism in de­ni­tri­fy­ing Al­c­a­li­genes de­fra­grans. Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 66(7):3004-3009 (2000).

Schüler, D.: Die Bio­m­in­er­al­isa­tion von mag­net­ischen Nan­okristal­len in mag­neto­takt­ischen Bak­ter­ien. BioSpek­trum 6:445-449 (2000).

Schüler, D.: Chapter 8. Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of the mag­neto­some mem­brane in Mag­neto­spir­il­lum gryph­iswaldense. In: Bio­m­in­er­al­iz­a­tion of nano- and mi­cro­struc­tures. pp.109-118, E. Bäuer­lein (ed.), Wiley-VCH, Wein­heim (2000).

Siev­ert, S. M., T. Heidorn and J. Kuever: Halo­thioba­cil­lus kel­lyi sp. nov., a meso­philic ob­lig­ately chemo­lithoauto­trophic, sul­fur-ox­id­iz­ing bac­terium isol­ated from a shal­low-wa­ter hy­dro­thermal vent in the Ae­gean Sea and emen­ded de­scrip­tion of the genus Halo­thioba­cil­lus. In­ter­na­tional Journal of Sys­tem­atic and Evol­u­tion­ary Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 50:1229-1237 (2000).

Siev­ert, S. M. and J. Kuever: Des­ulfa­cinum hy­dro­ther­m­ale sp. nov., a ther­mo­philic, sulfate-re­du­cing bac­terium from geo­therm­ally heated sed­i­ments near Mi­los Is­land (Greece). In­ter­na­tional Journal of Sys­tem­atic and Evol­u­tion­ary Bac­teri­ology 50:1239-1246 (2000).

Siev­ert, S., J. Kuever and G. Muyzer: Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of 16S ri­bosomal DNA-defined bac­terial pop­u­la­tions at a shal­low sub­mar­ine hy­dro­thermal vent near Mi­los is­land (Greece). Ap­plied and En­vir­on­mental Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 66(7):3102-3109 (2000).

Siev­ert, S., W. Ziebis, J. Kuever and K. Sahm: Re­l­at­ive abund­ance of Ar­chaea and Bac­teria along a thermal gradi­ent of a shal­low-wa­ter hy­dro­thermal vent quan­ti­fied by rRNA slot-blot hy­brid­iz­a­tion. Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 146, 1287-1293 (2000).

Surkov, A. V., M. E. Böttcher and J. Kuever: Stable sul­fur iso­tope frac­tion­a­tion dur­ing the re­duc­tion of thiosulfate by De­thiosulfo­vi­brio rus­sen­sis. Archives of Mi­cro­bi­o­logy 174:448-451 (2000).

Wilkes H., C. Bore­ham, G. Harms, K. Zen­gler and R. Rabus: An­aer­obic de­grad­a­tion and car­bon iso­topic frac­tion­a­tion of al­kyl­ben­zenes in crude oil by sulph­ate-re­du­cing bac­teria. Or­ganic Geo­chem­istry 31:101-115 (2000).
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