Sediment/Pore Water Chemistry

We have developed a method for the direct analysis of sea-water samples (high salt content) for metabolite screening using GC-MS. The aim is to obtain a biochemical fingerprint of porewater from sediments around the world, specifically from the sites of collection for symbiotic systems. 


Key Publications:

So­gin EM, Puskás E, Du­bilier N, Liebeke M. 2019. Mar­ine Meta­bolo­m­ics: a method for nontar­geted meas­ure­ment of meta­bol­ites in sea­wa­ter by gas chro­ma­to­graphy - mass spec­tro­metrymSys­tems4 (6): e00638-19. 10.1128 / mSys­tems.00638-19
Sogin EM, Michellod D, Gruber-Vodicka H, Bourceau P, Geier B, Meier DV, Seidel M, Ahmerkamp S, Schorn S, D’Angelo G, Procaccini G,  Dubilier N, Liebeke M. 2022. Sugars Dominate the Seagrass Rhizosphere. BioRxiv.


Salty method
© mSystems, Emilia Sogin
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