Page path:
- Departments
- Department of Symbiosis
- Research Group Metabolic Interactions
- Research Themes
- Seagrass Meadows
- Sediment/Pore Water Chemistry
Sediment/Pore Water Chemistry
We have developed a method for the direct analysis of sea-water samples (high salt content) for metabolite screening using GC-MS. The aim is to obtain a biochemical fingerprint of porewater from sediments around the world, specifically from the sites of collection for symbiotic systems.
Key Publications:
Sogin EM, Puskás E, Dubilier N, Liebeke M. 2019. Marine Metabolomics: a method for nontargeted measurement of metabolites in seawater by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. mSystems4 (6): e00638-19. 10.1128 / mSystems.00638-19 |
Sogin EM, Michellod D, Gruber-Vodicka H, Bourceau P, Geier B, Meier DV, Seidel M, Ahmerkamp S, Schorn S, D’Angelo G, Procaccini G, Dubilier N, Liebeke M. 2022. Sugars Dominate the Seagrass Rhizosphere. BioRxiv. |