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Press releases

Showing 121-140 of 251 items.

How bacteria learn to love their foes

Jun 1, 2016

Day in, day out, in the smallest of spaces with your greatest enemy. Sounds unbearable? In the world of microbes, this has been everyday life for billions of years. This supposedly direful proximity can lead to unusual partnerships, as a study by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Marine...

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MPI Seminars

May 27, 2016

Invitation to the MPI Seminar

We cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to join an ex­cit­ing talk of the ame­ri­can sci­en­tist Mitchell L. Sogin from Jo­se­phi­ne Bay Paul Cen­ter, Ma­ri­ne Bio­lo­gi­cal La­bo­ra­to­ry (Woods Hole, USA) on Monday, May 30. 

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08.02.2016 MPI Seminars

Feb 8, 2016

Invitation to the MPI seminar
Tuesday, February 09, 3:00pm
Dr. Silvia Bulgheresi: ”Dressed to cooperate: anomalous reproductive strategies of nematode bacterial symbionts"
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14.12.2015 MPI Seminars

Dec 14, 2015

Invitation to the MPI seminar
Wednesday, December 16, 4:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Nikolai Kuhnert: Structure elucidation of isomeric natural products and food processing products using tandem mass spectrometry
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16.09.2015 Deep-sea mussels with highly toxic tenants

Sep 16, 2015

Imagine you have a tenant living in your house. They’re keeping your fridge topped up. But in addition to this, they’re producing all kinds of toxic substances. More harm than good? Not necessarily; it all depends what you’re using the toxins for.

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Self-healing concrete

May 2, 2015

“Bio-concrete” set to revolutionise the building industry:
Dutch inventor of self-healing concrete named finalist for European Inventor Award

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14.03.2011 Algae in darkness – Survival strategy unraveled

Mar 14, 2011

The world’s oceans teem with unicellular algae that carry out photosynthesis in the sunlight. It has been known for some time that the particularly abundant diatoms (unicellular algae with a silicate frustule) are also able to survive in the dark bottom of the ocean, where neither photosynthesis ...
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