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Press release

Showing 401-500 of 548 items.

14.12.2015 MPI Seminars

Dec 14, 2015

Invitation to the MPI seminar
Wednesday, December 16, 4:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Nikolai Kuhnert: Structure elucidation of isomeric natural products and food processing products using tandem mass spectrometry
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16.09.2015 Deep-sea mussels with highly toxic tenants

Sep 16, 2015

Imagine you have a tenant living in your house. They’re keeping your fridge topped up. But in addition to this, they’re producing all kinds of toxic substances. More harm than good? Not necessarily; it all depends what you’re using the toxins for.

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Self-healing concrete

May 2, 2015

“Bio-concrete” set to revolutionise the building industry:
Dutch inventor of self-healing concrete named finalist for European Inventor Award

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14.03.2011 Algae in darkness – Survival strategy unraveled

Mar 14, 2011

The world’s oceans teem with unicellular algae that carry out photosynthesis in the sunlight. It has been known for some time that the particularly abundant diatoms (unicellular algae with a silicate frustule) are also able to survive in the dark bottom of the ocean, where neither photosynthesis ...
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17.03.2015 Methane seeps: Oases in the deep sea

First global study of microbial communities at gas seeps in the deep sea shows the distribution and diversity of methane-consuming microorganisms. The specific energy source selects for unique microorganisms, which turn these ecosystems into hotspots of diversity in the deep sea.
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TREAD - European workshop on Bremen

At the 13th and 14th of October the "European workshop on heavy metal contaminated, marine sediments" will take place in Bremen. The workshop will be organized by the Max Planck Institue for Marine Microbiology and the participating scientists.
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Leopoldina Symposium 2006 in Bremen

The Leopoldina Symposium " Life Strategy of Microorganisms in the Environment and in Host Organisms" will be held from 5-8 April 2006 in Bremen, Germany. Since today all data and documents are available on our web site.
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The second week of the expedition M72/2 started with an extremely exciting dive of the deep- water robot QUEST.
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Nitrogen Cycling in the Black Sea

Nitrogen Loss due to Interlinking Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbes. Marine oxic versus anoxic nitrogen cycling processes might not be exclusive to their clear-cut oxygen regimes after all.
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MEDECO – Cruising the Mediterranean Sea
International Research Team studies the sea floor in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
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Otto Hahn Medal for Rafael Laso Pérez

For his outstanding scientific work on the role of archaea in the degradation of non-methane hydrocarbons, MPI researcher Dr. Rafael Laso Pérez is awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society.

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Impressions: The MPIMM at the Forschungsmeile 2019

Am 21. und 22. September konnten kleine und große Besucher auf der Forschungsmeile 2019 ausprobieren, wie Wissenschaftler arbeiten. Wir waren dabei und haben uns sehr über das rege Interesse an unseren Zelten gefreut. Ein großes Dankeschön geht dabei an unsere Helferinnen und Helfer!

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02.03.2009 The Marine Nitrogen Cycle - Revisited

Predicting the ocean’s role for global climate requires a profound understanding of the cycling of matter in the sea.
Regarding nitrogen losses, scientists were apparently off the mark. A novel study reveals the complex interactions in the nitrogen cycle of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific oxge...
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12.11.2009 Hidden Treasures

Hidden treasures in subterranean sulfidic springs

Scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology and the Pennsylvania State University explore microorganisms in subterranean sulfidic springs of the largest limestone cave system in Italy, le Grotte di Frasassi.
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25.01.2010 Quantum Physics

On Thursday, 28 January 2010 at 16:00 the Nobel laureate
Prof. Dr. Gerardus ´t Hooft will give a lecture with the title
„The unique beauty of the subatomic landscape“
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