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Press release

Showing 301-400 of 548 items.

8th NanoSIMS User Meeting takes place on August 20th - 22nd 2018

Aug 20, 2018

The workshop will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany on August 20th – August 22nd 2018.

This an­nual work­shop serves as a plat­form for ex­chan­ging res­ults, ex­pert­ise, and tech­no­lo­gical de­vel­op­ments re­gard­ing nanoSIMS 50/​50L. We in­vite...

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Feierliche Verleihung des Communicator-Preises an Antje Boetius

Jul 2, 2018

Vielseitig, fachübergreifend, authentisch: Die Bremer Meeresforscherin Antje Boetius überzeugt mit der engagierten Kommunikation ihrer For­schung über die Tief­see und Po­lar­re­gio­nen so­wie all­ge­mei­ner Fra­gen rund um das Wis­sen­schafts­sys­tem. Am 2. Juli wird ihr im Bonner Pantheon Theat...

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Svetlana N. Dedysh: Planctomycetes in wetlands

Jun 14, 2018


Thursday, June 14, 2018 
in the New Auditorium (4012) at 3:00 p.m. (15:00h) 

SVETLANA N. DEDYSH (Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Research Center of Biotechnology RAS, Moscow, Russia)

will give a seminar with the title: 

Planctomycetes in wetlands: diversity and ‘omics’-based ins...

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Hermann Neuhaus Prize for Arjun Chennu

Jun 13, 2018

MPI researcher Dr. Arjun Chennu receives the first Hermann Neuhaus Prize of the Max Planck Society for his outstanding achievements at the interface between basic research and practical application. His work deals with the mapping of marine habitats and the analysis of biodiversity. The ceremony ...

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Otto Hahn Medal for Greta Reintjes

Jun 13, 2018

For her outstanding scientific work on the bacterially mediated carbon turnover by marine microorganisms, MPI researcher Dr. Greta Reintjes is awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society. The ceremony will take place during the MPG Annual General Meeting on June 13, 2018 in Heidelberg.

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Nicole Dubilier elected as EMBO Member

May 14, 2018

EMBO, an organization that promotes excellence in the life sciences, announced today that Nicole Dubilier has been elected to its membership, joining a group of more than 1800 of the best researchers in Europe and around the world.

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Researchers redefine the origin of the cellular powerhouse

Apr 25, 2018

In a new study published by Nature, an international team of researchers led by Uppsala University in Sweden proposes a new evolutionary origin for mitochondria – also known as the ‘powerhouses of the cell’. Mitochondria are energy-converting organelles that have played key roles in the emergence...

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Greta Reintjes erhält den VAAM-Promotionspreis

Apr 16, 2018

Die MPI-Wissenschaftlerin Greta Reintjes wird für ihre herausragenden wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, die sie im Zuge ihrer Doktorarbeit ausgeführt hat, mit dem Promotionspreis der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie ausgezeichnet.

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Antje Boetius is awarded the Vernadsky Medal 2018

Apr 10, 2018

The deep-sea scientist, leader of one of MPI’s research groups and director of AWI, receives the prestigious award for her groundbreaking contributions to biogeosciences and spearheading research on methane-based metabolisms and the marine carbon cycle.

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The riddle of the sands

Feb 26, 2018

Young scientists exploring the North Sea

Wind and waves, cries of seagulls, rain and occasionally a little bit of sunshine. That’s how we experience the North Sea at the beach walk. But what happens behind the beach in the sea? Children, youngsters and also adults can now find out with the onlin...

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Influence of carbon dioxide leakage on the seabed

Feb 7, 2018

Storing carbon dioxide (CO2) deep below the seabed is one way to counteract the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. But what happens if such storage sites begin to leak and CO2 escapes through the seafloor? Answers to this question have now been provided by a study dealing with the...

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Improved monitoring of coral reefs with the Hyperdiver

Aug 22, 2017


Climate change poses a real threat to coral reefs. How this threat actually affects the reefs can be assessed only with considerable staff and technical effort. A team of marine researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in ...

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Deep-sea animals "eat" oil: One man's meat is another man's poison

Jun 19, 2017

Scientists from Germany and the USA have discovered deep-sea animals living in symbiosis with bacteria that use oil as an energy source. At asphalt volcanoes in the Gulf of Mexico that spew oil, gas and tar, mussels and sponges live in symbiosis with bacteria that use short-chained alkanes in the...

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Newly discovered methane consumers in lakes

Jun 7, 2017

In freshwater lakes, large amounts of the greenhouse gas methane are oxidized by bacteria before it can be emitted into the atmosphere. A study in Lakes Rotsee and Zug has now shown that the bulk of this work is done, not by “classical” methane consumers, but by filamentous bacteria previously kn...

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MARUM Re­search Award for Soeren Ahmerkamp

May 31, 2017

Für sei­ne Dis­ser­ta­ti­on "Re­gu­la­ti­on of oxy­gen dy­na­mics by trans­port pro­ces­ses and mi­cro­bi­al re­spi­ra­ti­on in san­dy se­di­ments" er­hält Soe­ren Ah­mer­kamp jetzt den MA­RUM For­schungs­preis.

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Manganese nodules as breeding ground for deep-sea octopuses

Dec 19, 2016

Biologists discover a new octopus species at more than 4000 metres depth that guard their eggs, likely for years prior to hatching, and a community which may not survive without hard substrate such as manganese nodules 
Bremerhaven, 19 December 2016. Manganese nodules on the seabed of the Pacific ...

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Mystery of archaeal butane degradation solved

Oct 17, 2016

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen and their colleagues from the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) in Leipzig discovered microbial communities thriving on the hydrocarbon butane without the help of molecular oxygen. The microbial consortia, obtai...

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20.09.2016 Ausgezeichnete Promotion über Tiefseeökologie

Sep 20, 2016

Corinna Breusing, Wissenschaftlerin am Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, erhält den Helmholtz-Doktorandenpreis „Erde und Umwelt”. Die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft vergibt den Preis alljährlich für besondere wissenschaftliche Leistungen während der Promotion. Breusing untersuchte im Rahmen i...
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Phantoms in the Deep (and how they help mussels get on)

Aug 5, 2016

Hydrothermal vents in the deep sea are hundreds and thousands of kilometers apart and their inhabitants are isolated and not directly connected to each other. And yet there is clearly some sort of exchange between individual vents as similar species can be found at vents that are very far apart f...

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Hotspots for biological activity and carbon cycling on glaciers

Jun 13, 2016

Bacteria may play a larger role in the melting of glaciers than previously suspected, according to a paper published in Nature Biofilms and Microbiomes. Scientists from Montana State University and MPI Bremen show how the spatial organisation of microbes leads to an efficient transfer of nutrient...

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How bacteria learn to love their foes

Jun 1, 2016

Day in, day out, in the smallest of spaces with your greatest enemy. Sounds unbearable? In the world of microbes, this has been everyday life for billions of years. This supposedly direful proximity can lead to unusual partnerships, as a study by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Marine...

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MPI Seminars

May 27, 2016

Invitation to the MPI Seminar

We cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to join an ex­cit­ing talk of the ame­ri­can sci­en­tist Mitchell L. Sogin from Jo­se­phi­ne Bay Paul Cen­ter, Ma­ri­ne Bio­lo­gi­cal La­bo­ra­to­ry (Woods Hole, USA) on Monday, May 30. 

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28.04.2016 Research cruise visits deep-sea hot vents

Apr 28, 2016

An international research team around director Nicole Dubilier are on their way to investigate the life around hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A videoblog provides exciting details from board.


Sorry, this page is not available in englisch.

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08.02.2016 MPI Seminars

Feb 8, 2016

Invitation to the MPI seminar
Tuesday, February 09, 3:00pm
Dr. Silvia Bulgheresi: ”Dressed to cooperate: anomalous reproductive strategies of nematode bacterial symbionts"
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